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Daylight Cravings

Daylight Savings is polarising. For some, this is a divisor with our loved ones: many loving the extra-long sunny days, with others groaning about the shorter winter days and disruption of circadian rhythms. Let alone what it allegedly does to the curtains in Queensland and Western Australia…

Staring down the barrel of a clock change this weekend, we thought we’d put together a list of our favourite sunny after-work activities for your extra hour of leisure. So next time your loved one starts to complain, hit them with some of these amazing options!

Fire up the BBQ in the park or on the river

Get together with some family and friends and relax in the park after work. Have a semi-serious kick of the footy, or play a more relaxed game of bocce or even fancy it up with some croquet! Summer salads, picnic blankets, a plastic jug of Pimm’s…enough said.

Swing a club

There is nothing I look forward to more about Daylight Savings than being able to swing a golf club after work. Ok, it’s not the most accessible sport – but I’m not advocating hiring a cart and playing 18 at Royal Melbourne. But what I love to do is head out to the backyard or into the park to do bit of light chipping practice, or head down to the driving range and hit a bucket of balls as the sun goes down. There are some great inner city public golf courses around that offer cheap ‘sunset specials’ too!

Knock-offs in the sun

Our beloved rivers, bays and lakes make having an after work drink with your work mates such a treat in the warmer months. We don’t need to tell you where to enjoy a cold one, but you sure could tell us! If you have a favourite sunny summer spot for post-work libations, let us know in the comments!

Run/Walk/Ride home

It’s no longer dark and cold when we’re leaving for the day, so why not make exercise a part of your way to or from work? If you live too far to walk all the way, get off a few stops early and cover the last couple of kms on foot. We’ve pretty much covered this in our blogs about cycling and walking to work. That should get you started! And if you wanted to take it even further, here are some of our resident “creative commuters’” favourite alternative transport methods.

Summer markets

If you like being wined and dined in the sun, check out these great outdoor, summer markets in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra. Eat, shop, drink, listen to music, eat some more, do something creative, get involved in an activity you’ve never tried before…go on, why wouldn’t you?

Al fresco workouts

Leave work while the sun is still high in the sky and head to an open space for a cheeky workout. Even better, do it with a few workmates! There’s nothing like some (mostly) friendly competition! Good news – we’ve done the legwork for you already – check out our previous blog on the Great Outdoor Gym.

Take the plunge

Maybe not this week or next, but pretty soon we’ll be looking to strip out of our business casual and into our boardies, bikinis and budgie smugglers! Check out this bit of pre-search we did last year for you to find the best swimming spots in your local area. Or (sorry Canberrans) jump in the car and head to your nearest beach to catch the last of the waves before the sun goes down. There is no better way to instantly shake off a tough day at the office than practicing your bodysurfing skills in the surf.

Outdoor cinema

What’s more fun than schlepping down to the park with your picnic blanket, pillows, picnic basket and pest spray to watch a movie with mates under the stars? Not much. Moonlight Cinemas and the Canberra Openair Cinema have a great program of new and classic films every summer. Or if you want to keep it a bit more urban, you can relax in a folding chair while sipping cocktails on the roof of an inner-city building. Google ‘rooftop cinema’ and your capital city to check out your options.

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