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Staying Social, While Being Physically Distant

There is quite a bit of uncertainty at the moment. As a growing number of Australian workforces are moving to remote work, it’s important to remember to keep contact with your peers. Luckily we live in a connected world and there are many ways we can keep in touch without the ‘touch’. So whether its self-isolation or general social distancing, we’ve compiled a list of our favourite ways to stay connected.

Call Instead of Text

It sounds like common sense, but picking up your phone and calling someone for a chat is something we often overlook nowadays. Personally, I find myself sending a text rather than making a phone call, unless it’s for work or I absolutely have to make a call. It’s just more convenient. Although sending someone a text is more convenient than calling them, having that human interaction is far better for your relationships than a few words written on a screen.

Remember actions speak louder than words, so why not use yours? Simply picking up your phone and calling your family, friends or colleagues is a great way to have a laugh and to check in on how they’re going.

Video Chat for a ‘face-to-face’ Conversation

Having a family that is spread out across Australia, and occasionally the world, I understand how it can be a little difficult to stay ‘connected’. Trying to account for different timezones, or even someone’s schedule can be quite the task. However, being able to talk to someone ‘face-to-face’ makes all the difference in the world. It allows you to actually engage with the conversation, almost as if you’re there in the room.

Video calls are also a great tool for work, especially if you’re working from home. Being able to call your colleagues and discuss something quickly and easily rather than trying to decipher and keep track of long email chains is definitely the way to go. Sure a phone call can do the trick, however if you want a more personal approach and actually engage with the person on the other end, a video call is my favourite option.

Create a WhatsApp Group

WhatsApp provides a great platform for quick and easy group text / content sharing. There are also some terrific WhatsApp groups out there, you can find a link to the World Health Organisation WhatsApp group in this blog or if you’re on your phone a direct link here.

We’ve recently created a WhatsApp group for our immediate team while we prepare and begin to work from home. This has already proved to be a great place for us to share ideas, ask each other questions and share the all too important dad jokes!

Get Inventive

Whether you use social media, or other apps like Skype or Zoom, there are plenty of inventive ways to connect with family, friends and colleagues during this time. We’d love to know how you plan on staying connected, and your experiences so far.

Do you have mates or people in your office that like to play an online game? Do you have a reading group? These are the types of questions you could ask each other to find out interesting ways to stay connected and enjoy each other’s company in the digital realm.

A few of us in the office have been a little creative by downloading the new Call of Duty: Warzone, so we can team up and enjoy the game together. There are other online games and communities that you could explore with your family, friends or even colleagues – because social distancing doesn’t have to be anti-social!

We hope you stay safe, and follow the recommendations outlined by the World Health Organisation here and any updates from the Australian Government here. We’d love to hear about any ideas or recommendations you may have for those working from home to stay well during this time.

Please email me here to share your tips and tricks, or ask any wellness questions you may have.

Oliver Szklarz

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