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Is It Just Me, or Does It Feel Like We’ve Entered the Next Phase?

At a meeting with my peers in Clicks’ Executive Leadership Group last week, we reflected on how things felt in general, compared to four weeks ago. In short, the answer was ‘very different’. Yes, there is still huge uncertainty in almost every area of our daily lives. But on a very personal, micro level, the fear and anxiety levels have reduced.

We have figured out the best places in our house to work from. We know what time to get up and what time to go to bed in our new routine. We know what to eat, what not to eat, and we’re finding pockets of positivity by baking or doing YouTube yoga for the first time. We know that Teams is great for video calls with smaller groups, but Zoom is better for larger ones if you want to see everyone’s faces. I can’t imagine how I ever would have learned that if not for Covid-19.

From the outset, Clicks has been incredibly focused on two things: the safety of our people (our clients, our contractors, our suppliers, our team members, ourselves and our families), and supporting our clients’ business continuity. Our Executive Leadership Group has been meeting daily, as has our Board, to review to the smallest detail, our actions and how they support those primary objectives.

As a 20 year recruitment veteran, this ain’t my first global crisis rodeo. I was in the industry when September 11 and the Ansett collapse hit in 2001, and I survived the GFC over a decade ago, which saw hundreds of Australian agencies forced to close their doors. I have never felt better placed to face my third major industry crisis than where I am right now.

I am really proud to be a Clickster. As embracers of technology, our workforce was already fully mobile, so the transition to 100% remote was quite literally effortless. Being experts in managing remote workforces, we supported our clients who were facing this for the first time by sharing our knowledge, creating a series of practical how-to shareable checklists on our Remote Workforce Resource Centre.

We partnered with our sister company, INDEX Consultants, to offer smart cost-saving opportunities to our clients.

We’re supporting our local sheriffs, by obtaining discount codes for Build-a-Desk: smart, eco-friendly, Australian-made DIY kids’ desks for those with kids to home-school and not enough dining table square meterage. (Pssst ICMYI, the code is BUILD10.)

We’ve enlisted one of Australia’s most engaging thought leaders, Colin Ellis, to do a series of webinars on helpful topics at no charge to our network. The first one is this Friday at 11.30 AEST. If you haven’t registered already, click here to find out more.

I’m extremely excited to also let you know that next week, we’ll be rolling out a brilliant training offer that blows everything else we’ve done with training out of the water. Watch this space!

In short, the team at Clicks genuinely cares, and is trying really hard to do our bit to support and give back during these changing, difficult times. Please take advantage of all of the offers above if you haven’t already, share them with others, and most importantly, tell us if there is anything else we can do to help you personally.

Thanks for your continued support, stay safe.

Sam Micich

General Manager, Operations.

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