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7% Discount on Cover with Medibank

Better Health Made Simple

Join Medibank Corporate Hospital and Flexi Extras as a new member and save 7% with corporate health cover

Clicks IT Recruitment and Medibank have worked together so you can save money on your health cover with a corporate discount.

Save 7% with corporate health cover PLUS

  • 100% back on up to two dental check-ups with a members’ choice advantage dentist
  • 100% back on optical items, up to a $300 limit per person, per year*
  • A separate, flexible annual extras limit of up to $1,500 per person*
  • Get up to 80% back on included extras at any recognised provider in Australia*
  • No hospital excess for kids on a family membership*
  • Peace of mind that comes from knowing that your cover includes unlimited emergency ambulance*
  • If an Accident does happen, no matter what hospital cover you have you’ll get the benefits of our top level of hospital cover*
  • Our hospital cover gives you access to around-the-clock advice over the phone, through our 24/7 Medibank Nurse*
Visit to find out more.

Terms and Conditions

^ For ambulance attendance or transportation to a hospital where immediate professional attention is required and your medical condition is such that you couldn’t be transported any other way. Tasmania and Queensland have state schemes that cover ambulance services for residents of those States.

+ Restricted or Excluded services will be treated as Included services where treatment is required for injuries sustained in an Accident that occurs after joining this cover. Excludes claims covered by third parties such as Workcover. Out-of-pocket expenses may apply. Refer to your Cover Summary.

1 At recognised providers. Waiting periods and annual limits apply. Excludes optical.

2 Up to annual limits. Waiting periods apply. Excludes optical. Exclude Flexi 80 MC.

3 OSHC members should call the Student Health and Support Line on 1800 887 283

~At recognised providers. Waiting periods and annual limits apply. Excludes optical.
^Up to annual limits. Waiting periods apply. Excludes optical. Excludes Flexi 80 MC.
# Two month waiting period applies. Limited to two dental check-ups on all extras annually. Maximum two bitewing x-rays per check-up, where clinically needed. Not available in all areas.
‡ Offer extended – For new members on new memberships who join and start Corporate Hospital and Flexi Extras cover from 1 March – 30 June 2021 and who have not held Medibank health cover in the previous 60 days (unless they are dependents coming off their parent’s cover). Must quote promo code CORP6FREE and set up direct debit or payroll when joining. Not available with any other offer. 6 weeks free: Must maintain direct debit or payroll and hold eligible cover for 30 continuous days from cover start date to get the next six weeks free. 2&6 month waits waived on extras: 2&6 month waiting periods on extras waived. Other waiting periods apply (including 12 months on some dental services). If you’ve reached your limits from a previous fund you may not be able to claim straight away.

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