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Top 20 Highest Paying IT Jobs in Australia

Demand for tech talent doesn’t appear to be slowing down. Over the past few years, this has been driving salary increases across many positions. Clicks’ recent market research revealed that 56% of IT professionals reported a salary increase last year. So, which jobs are topping the list? Whether you are looking to change jobs, make a career transition, or want to compare, review Clicks’ salary data to learn what IT jobs pay the most.

C suite — Up to $400,000

C suite roles dominate – taking up the first four positions. Chief Information Officers (CIO) have the highest earning potential of all the roles in IT. Unsurprisingly, CIOs are at the top given the impact and responsibility, along with the skills and experience this role demands. But interestingly, while CIOs can earn the most money, Chief Security Officers takes out the number one position when we look at average salaries.

Rank Role Min Salary Average Salary Max Salary  
  1. Chief Information Officer (CIO) $255,000 $300,000 $400,000 View jobs
  2. Chief Security Officer (CSO) $263,333 $316,667 $393,333 View jobs
  3. Chief Technology Officer (CTO) $237,500 $287,500 $376,667 View jobs
  4. Chief Digital Officer (CDO) $228,333 $266,667 $318,333 View jobs

ICT Security Specialists — Up to $286,667

Three ICT Security roles rank in the top ten highest-paid positions, making up 30% of the top 20 highest-paying IT roles. Australia spent approximately $5.6 billion on cyber security in 2020, which is expected to grow to $7.6 billion by 2024. The Australian Government Labour Markets Insights indicates the future growth for ICT Security professionals is 38.9%.

Rank Role Min Salary Average Salary Max Salary  
5. Head of Information Security $203,333 $235,000 $286,667 View jobs
6. Cyber Security Manager $150,000 $180,000 $220,000 View jobs
7. Security Consultant $146,667 $170,000 $220,000 View jobs
12. Security Architect $160,000 $180,000 $205,000 View jobs
14. Cyber Security Specialist $141,667 $165,000 $201,667 View jobs

Head of Data Analytics — Up to $218,750

It pays to have data skills. Three data positions, Head of Data Analytics, Data Scientist, and Data & Analytics Manager, make the list.

Rank Role Min Salary Average Salary Max Salary  
8. Head of Data Analytics $167,500 $196,250 $218,750 View jobs
16 Data Scientist $150,000 $170,000 $200,000 View jobs
20. Data & Analytics Manager $133,333 $160,000 $195,000 View jobs

Head of Product — Up to $215,000

Demand for product roles has risen over the last decade as organisations seek to expand their offerings to remain competitive. Additionally, more tech start-ups are entering the market to provide online products to support the increasingly digital way we live. It’s reported that the fintech industry alone earns $4 billion in revenue.

Rank Role Min Salary Average Salary Max Salary  
9. Head of Product $160,000 $186,250 $215,000 View jobs

ICT Architects — Up to $210,000

IT Architecture positions represent almost one in three of the highest paying jobs in our top 20 list.

Fatema Galabhai, Clicks IT Recruitment Practice Manager says, “IT Architects typically have broad knowledge and deep technical expertise in a particular domain. They have at least ten years’ experience, but more often, it’s twenty years of industry experience. Their combination of technical, business, and stakeholder management skills, and their ability to think strategically means they offer immense value to organisations, and their compensation is in line with that.”

Rank Role Min Salary Average Salary Max Salary  
10. Enterprise Architect $152,500 $172,500 $210,000 View jobs
13. IT Architect $150,000 $175,000 $202,500 View jobs
15. Solution Architect $150,000 $170,000 $200,000 View jobs
18. Business Intelligence Architect $148,750 $173,750 $197,500 View jobs
19. Salesforce Architect $147,500 $167,500 $197,500 View jobs

SAP Consultant — Up to $206,667

SAP Consultants rank 11th, while Salesforce Architects rank 19th. Interestingly, the starting salary for SAP Consultants is lower than for Salesforce Architects.

Rank Role Min Salary Average Salary Max Salary  
11. SAP Consultant $140,000 $170,000 $206,667 View jobs

IT Manager/Head of IT — $200,000

Technical skills command top dollars. However, our data shows it pays to have strong interpersonal and people leadership skills often associated with IT Management roles. This provides a career path for IT professionals whose strengths and interests lie in working with people in addition to systems and technology.

Rank Role Min Salary Average Salary Max Salary  
17. IT Manager/Head of IT $130,000 $160,000 $200,000 View jobs

What IT positions are missing from the list?

Notable absences are roles within Project Services. However, Program Managers/Directors and PMO Managers should be pleased to know that they have the highest paying jobs within the Project domain – ranking 21st equally. Cloud and Infrastructure positions also pay well, taking up the 25th through to 28th position.

While Software Development roles are often cited as some of the most challenging IT positions to recruit, Development leadership positions pay the most. The top salary for Technical Leads and Development Managers is $185,000.

Want to know what your role is worth? Find your position using Clicks’ job salary search.If you are looking for your next IT opportunity, review our job board to see all our current vacancies. We also have a fantastic referral program that can earn you $500 for every great person you send our way.

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Clicks is an award-winning IT recruitment specialist. As Australia’s favourite recruiters, we help candidates in Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, and Sydney find great opportunities each day.

*Salaries based on annual full-time salary inclusive of superannuation.

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