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How to Motivate Employees That Work From Home… Or Anywhere

COVID-19 forced many organisations to move their entire workforce to a work-from-home model. With restrictions lifting, Clicks, like many companies, shifted to a hybrid model. We’ve learnt a lot about remote work over the past few years. With our Employee Engagement Survey results currently at 92% favourable, we wanted to share our top tips on keeping our staff engaged and motivated.

Provide the opportunity to connect regularly

“Stand-ups, one-on-one meetings, team meetings, and all staff meetings are great ways to make sure people remain connected to the organisation, their manager, and each other. I think it’s important to priotise meeting regularly and for leaders to create moments of fun and laughter where possible. Our team recently shared a lot of laughs using the GartikPhone app as part of our wellbeing team activity. Research shows feeling happy at work and developing genuine connections sparks creativity and enhances collaboration. Using technology can connect staff from all locations.” Aimee Senior, Practice Manager.

Offer work that balances a sense of mastery and growth

“When you know you’re doing good work, you are motivated to keep going. Offering work that matches your team’s strength and capability is important. However, if the work becomes too easy, people get bored and become unmotivated over time. I check in regularly with the team to understand their workload, and their ability to deliver. This helps identify if they need more training or support or are ready for a new challenge. Growth opportunities can be a new role, project, or chance to develop new skills.” – Fatema Galabhai, Practice Manager.

Be crystal clear about your company’s vision and provide a clear why

When people understand the company’s mission and know how their role helps customers and clients, it can help them focus their energy. It’s crucial for leaders to know their ‘why’ and help their team uncover theirs too. Asking people why they joined your organisation and do the work they do is a good starting point.”– Tamara Ryf, CEO.

Ensure there is sufficient time for focused work

“I think employees need sufficient time to focus on their work and get into a rhythm or flow. Time flies and you are productive when you get into a flow. You feel happy, relaxed, engaged, alert, and motivated. You can support your team to focus by ensuring their calendars are not full of internal meetings. When team members are working from home, they should feel comfortable to have periods where they don’t need to respond to emails or messages immediately. It’s reported that it only takes 10 to 15 minutes to get into a state of flow. However, whenever you are distracted, it takes 25 minutes to gain back your full attention.” Syrus Wynne, Practice Manager.

Show that you care

“Showing appreciation is a quick and easy way to boost staff motivation, productivity, engagement, loyalty, and morale. It can be simply saying thank you or sending a shout-out email. You can offer gifts, free lunch, or organise more formal awards. I think the key is to consider the individuals; what they value and how they like to be recognised.” Matt O’Brien, Practice Manager.

Embed a culture of accountability and visibility 

“Completed work can be less visible when you aren’t all in the office together. Our staff operate well when they are externally motivated, such as through reward and recognition programs or having to account for their achievements. Whether you have daily stand-ups, a shared online dashboard, or monthly wrap-up meetings, it’s important to talk about progress, encourage a growth mindset, and not just focus on the outcomes. An environment that encourages staff to learn from mistakes and push through challenges ensures they remain motivated to reach their goals.” Nick Bacon, Managing Director.

Ask for feedback

“I think it’s essential to ask for feedback and include staff in big decisions so they feel a sense of ownership. If you want to know what motivates staff, ask them. There are many ways to get feedback: one-on-one and team meetings; onboarding and engagement surveys; pulse checks and stay interviews; and even the humble suggestion box. The key is to review and act on any feedback promptly to maintain trust.” Craig Favilla, Business Manager.

Remove demotivating factors

“When staff are clear about their expectations, they feel more comfortable and confident at work. That’s why it’s important to be clear about what success looks like for each role and provide definitions of ‘done’. Additionally, ensuring your team has access to the right tools and appropriate processes are important in driving motivation.” Sam Micich, COO

About Clicks

Clicks is an award-winning IT recruitment specialist. With offices in Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, and Brisbane, we connect companies with great IT professionals across Australia each day! Register a vacancy or contact us on 1300 CLICKS today for a confidential chat.

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