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International Women’s Day 2021 – Clicks Chooses to Challenge

Here at Clicks IT Recruitment, we and our sister companies, HOBAN and INDEX Consultants, are passionate about fostering gender equality and gender diversity. Being a major player in the recruitment industry, we are proud to have the responsibility of using our voice to influence change in the workforce. As well as being the only recruiter with the #TechDiversity Foundation in Australia, our Managing Director, Ben Wood and HOBAN’s CEO, Alison Watts, are both Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) Equal Pay Ambassadors. Our General Manager – Operations, Sam Micich, is also a #TechDiversity Foundation Member, and author of our Gender Diversity in the Australian IT Market report.

This year for International Women’s Day, our team have come together as we #ChooseToChallenge an unequal and biased world. Each person in our team has chosen to speak about a woman who breaks stereotypes. Here are some of the women we’ve chosen to talk about.

Whitney Wolfe Herd

“A self-made billionaire at 31 is a pretty impressive achievement! But what inspires me most about Whitney is her success as a leader of a business that has created a product that puts women at the front and centre of their design. Her success is a great message to her son and us all.” – Phuong Ong, Content Writer

Malala Yousafzai

“Malala is an inspiration to me because she is so young and to have the strength and courage to stand up against the Taliban is extraordinary. She was also the youngest person to receive the Nobel Peace Prize and she is a woman!! Yay to her.” – Donna Marshalsey, Contractor Care Consultant

Roselle – The Guide Dog

“Roselle guided her owner, Michael Hingson, down a whopping 78 floors and then helped him to find shelter at a friend’s place 40 blocks away. It’s amazing that while the world around them was in havoc, Roselle was able to stay calm and keep Hingson safe.” – Yarra, Sophie’s Guide Dog.

Hearing what our team have said about these women is truly inspiring. It’s great to see that the efforts of women are not all ignored or unnoticed. Although, this only scratches the surface. There is still so much that can be done to reach a gender equal world.

If you’d like to join our conversation, send us an email here or, simply start your own conversation and #ChooseToChallenge this International Women’s Day.

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