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Darren’s Amazing 100kg Wellness Transformation!

We love it when our readers get in touch with us, and we were so captivated by this story that we just had to get in touch with him and share his amazing story! We recently sat down with Darren to learn more about his Wellness journey which we’re now able to share with you! His name is Darren, and long story short, he started his amazing transformation around 3 years ago and has now lost over 100kg!

What was it that prompted your wellness journey?

In Early 2016, I was experiencing some health issues and decided to visit my GP. I was informed that these medical conditions were primarily being caused by my weight, so I was referred to a specialist to discuss the option of bariatric surgery.

Following my appointment with the surgeon, I decided that surgery was not an option as it’s a rather drastic yet non-guaranteed approach to weight-loss. What made more sense to me was to re-evaluate my lifestyle and make some significant changes, primarily to my diet.

What has driven you to push yourself so far?

After being told that my weight was having significant impacts on my health, I was determined to make some changes. Because, who doesn’t want to actually enjoy their life?

Although the whole lifestyle adjustment was quite difficult to start with, being able to see my results and knowing I would be able to do more with my family and friends, were the driving factors that kept me motivated on my goals.

What have you enjoyed the most along your transformation?

Being able to actively participate in half marathons, weekend cycling events and enjoy more quality time with family and friends! Furthermore, I was relying on a cocktail of around 6 different medications to maintain what is considered “normal” health. Over the past 3 years, I have been able to reduce my required medications to absolutely nothing, which has been absolutely incredible.

What has been the biggest contributing factor to your transformation?

The full-on overhaul of my diet has easily been the biggest factor with my transformation. I was put on a Ketogenic diet program under the recommendations from my specialist, and with the assistance of X-pert Health I have seen tremendous results.

Half marathons – very impressive! What is next for you, and how are you preparing for it?

I have already completed two half marathons and a 147km cycle along the Great Ocean Road. But now I am currently working towards a full distance, 42km in the Melbourne Marathon this October

Similarly to my approach to previous events, I won’t undertake any specific or rigorous training programs prior to the marathon. Instead, I will continue to focus on my diet and increasing my regular run distance over time.

As I’m not trying to set a world record or compete against anyone, my goal is to keep a steady pace across the distance and most importantly, cross the finish line! I’m really looking forward to ticking this milestone off my list and moving on to the next challenge!

What is your ultimate goal?

My ultimate goal is to help as many people as possible achieve a healthy lifestyle and improve their overall wellness!

In my spare time I am an educator for X-pert health as well as a lifestyle coach for a group of people around the world. I thoroughly enjoy giving back, and spreading a positive lifestyle message, trying to make sure that people are educated on what a proper diet and lifestyle should look like.

And lastly, what would you say to someone about to embark on a wellness journey like yours?

I think that my supportive network of family and friends, as well as being able to see my progress over time have really helped me to continue to stay well. Everything I do, from eating to exercise, is done with the intention of fun and wellness.

To me, wellness is about doing something I enjoy that helps to maintain physical and mental balance.  I could hit the gym for countless hours on a daily basis in order to train my way to fitness, but a key concept that I’ve learnt along my journey is; fitness is not the same as Wellness! Similar to the saying that “money can’t buy happiness”, my goal is to stay-well, not just fit.

Remember you don’t have to be an athlete to stay-well. It’s all about finding something that helps you have fun, and escape the occasional monotony of life.

Darren, you are a superstar. Congratulations on your success so far and good luck in October!

If you have an amazing story such as Darren’s, we would love to hear it. You can call me on 03 9963 4804 or email me directly.

Oliver Szklarz

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