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Wellness is a Laughing Matter

Giggles are great. And healthy. Encouraging laughter in your day is an important way to boost physical health, mental wellbeing and build a rapport with your co-workers.

Chortle Your Way to Physical Health

Ever found something side-splittingly funny? That’s because laughing can give your core muscles a decent workout. The rapid expansion and contraction of your diaphragm during a good old belly laugh works similar muscles to when you’re doing crunches at the gym.

It is also said that laughing activates T-cells in your body that can help ward off illness. So, when the cold and flu season approaches, make sure you load up on Vitamin C, echinacea and a chuckle.

Happy Hormones

Research shows that having a good giggle can reduce the production of stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline, and an increase in the production of feel-good endorphins. Endorphins are a natural pain reliever and improve your overall sense of wellbeing.

Heart-y Har Har

Laughter is good for the heart. As well as its stress-busting qualities, getting a guffaw in improves the function of blood vessels and increases blood flow, which can help protect you against a heart attack and other cardiovascular problems. Laughing also enhances your intake of oxygen, stimulating your heart, lungs and muscles, boosting overall organ health.

So, they’re not lying when they say laughter is the best medicine. Share some laughter around your workplace if you can, and kickstart a whole new health revolution. For some serious comedy, check out the comedy festivals coming soon in 2024:

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