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Brain Power Foods to Eat Before a Busy Day

Deadlines creeping up? Some days, there’s no room for a slow brain or anything less than peak performance. Luckily, there are ways to increase cognitive functioning. In this week’s Wellness Matters, we’ve gathered a list of great food options to give your brain the boost it needs.

Fatty Fish

We’ve spoken before about omega-3 fatty acids and their ability to reduce fatigue. Omega-3 is also responsible for building brain cells and is essential for learning and memory.

Fatty fish such as salmon, trout and sardines are all great sources of omega-3 fatty acids. For an easy way to incorporate fish into your diet, find meals where it’s possible to substitute meat for fish, such as ham for smoked salmon on your eggs benny.


Your body requires carbohydrates and fats for its energy supply. This especially includes your brain. Wholegrains with a low glucose index (low-GI) release glucose into your system slowly so that your body has a steady stream of energy. Many studies have found that a low-GI meal promotes cognitive functioning.

You can try substituting regular pasta for wholegrain varieties or white bread for wholemeal. You’ll find that these varieties add a nuttier flavor to the food which can make healthy eating a little more interesting.

Food containing flavonoids – this includes dark chocolate!

Researchers have found that flavonoids have great cognitive benefits such as improving memory, functioning and processing speeds. Luckily, these can be found in a variety of foods, many of which are rather tasty.

You can find flavonoids in dark chocolate, berries and tea. Try bringing these as snacks to have throughout the day at work. You’ll find that when you snack, you’ll probably end up eating less during your meals so make it worthwhile by eating food that you’ll benefit from.

So, there it is folks. Whether it be a busy day at work or you just need to be on the ball, try having these foods throughout the week leading up to your busy schedule.

Were there any foods that we missed? Share them with us! As always, if there are any topics you would love us to look into or you have any queries or feedback, you can reach us here.

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