Introducing Clicks’ 2020-21 Contractor of the year, Atia Kabir!
Contractors provide great services and add value to projects, teams, organisations, and the workplace culture. We hear it all the time. The Contractor of the Year award is an opportunity for us to recognise that. We were excited by the number of outstanding nominations we received this year. It is a great reflection of the efforts of our our contractors, and it’s amazing to see it being recognised. Although this makes our job of selecting a winner more difficult.
It was Atia’s impact on strategic initiatives, problem-solving skills, willingness to go above and beyond, and the way she conducts herself at work – with speed, warmth, and professionalism – that pushed her nomination to the top!
We were delighted to present Atia with her prize – a brand-new iPhone 13.

Pictured above: Clicks’ 2021 Contractor of the Year, Atia Kabir, and Clicks’ National Manager, Contractor Care, Rachel Fancoli.
The Winning Nomination
“In Australian history there is a famous racing horse called Phar Lap. Phar Lap was known for two things – its speed and its very large heart. Atia is like the Phar Lap of contractors, she is very fast in actioning tasks and brings her warm-heartedness to every interaction.
Atia has supported many strategic projects. These projects she has worked on will influence every undergraduate student who comes to the university building their sense of belonging and connection.
Atia always seeks to find out how she can help a project or a person. When in meetings she will be the first to volunteer for completing a project task.
She has contributed to the exploration and rigorous testing of multiple educational technologies, this has been essential to support the university and development team in making the best decisions to support great student outcomes. Not only this but she does it with speed, agency, and intelligence.
Give her access to a new tool and she will be able to tell you how the tool works, possible limitations of software, and creative solutions to bridge these issues. Atia is someone you want on your team.
Atia is kind and humble, and very patient. When yet again we need to retest some aspect for user testing, she is always happy to oblige.
Aside from the main projects she also supports the wider development team by doing numerous support tickets, and this supports the team greatly.
How she has done all this whilst home-schooling her twins over numerous lockdowns is more evidence of Atia amazing capabilities.
When projects cross the finish line, we will all be indebted to Atia and all she offers.”
I had a chance to catch up with Atia and tell her the good news
Congratulations Atia, what excites you the most about your new iPhone?
It’s the latest one! So new! It’s always good to win something. Now I can take better quality photos and videos.
What made you decide to become an IT contractor?
It was an opportunity that presented itself to me at the time.
I was initially placed at the Australian Red Cross through Clicks, and when that assignment ended, I was placed again at the University of Melbourne.
The people at Clicks are so easy to talk to make me feel really comfortable, they’re always checking on how I’m going. It’s a pleasure to work for the University of Melbourne too.
What do you think it takes to be a standout IT contractor?
I like to think I’m an approachable and personable person, I can understand where people are coming from and am able to help them and explain things.
And lastly, tell us what you enjoy most about your current engagement at Uni of Melbourne?
Everything! The people, and the management are very considerate. The flexible working environment.
The recognition, they recognise hard work and the contributions we make. It’s also a safe and supportive environment.
Well done, Atia! You are an asset to your team and organisation. Your dedication and passion to support everyone you work with make you truly deserving of the title Contractor of the Year!
Thank you to everybody who took the time to submit a nomination for this years’ award. We received some incredible praise for our dedicated #Clicksters around the country. It brought us great joy reading these submissions – and will be greatly appreciated by the contracting staff. We’ll be in touch with all nominees to share details of your nominations and a small gift.
As is the nature of contracting, we have contractors finishing up assignments and looking for their next gig all the time. If you need a great contractor for your team, please reach out to your Clicks Account Manager or contact us on 1300 CLICKS.
Rachel Fancoli
National Manager, Contractor Care