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100% of Clients Say Clicks Understands Their Needs

Clicks has received a strong vote of confidence from its clients in its latest Client Satisfaction Survey. Every respondent rated our level of understanding of their needs as Good or Very Good.

For the 23rd consecutive survey, over 90% of Clicks’ clients have also said they are confident in our ability to meet their recruitment requirements and expectations. This figure has not fallen below 90% since we began this bi-annual survey in 2008.

We were delighted with some of the feedback we received:

“Clicks is a great contracting company to work with.”

“The understanding of our specific requirements for an IT professional and what we needed them to undertake was good.”

Ben Wood, Clicks’ Managing Director, was pleased with these results: “One of the things our clients tell us is important to them is our ability to understand the technical requirements of a role. We ask specifically about this, and were delighted to get the highest rating from 92% of our clients. We work hard to ensure our recruiters keep up to date with our clients’ technologies.”

Clicks is committed to using the feedback received to continue improving the way we do business with our clients.

To view the full range of Clicks’ market-leading reports and surveys, please visit our Market Reports page.

Clicks IT Recruitment places over 1,000 IT professionals into permanent and contract roles each year, and has been in business since 1990. A top 5 Australian IT Recruiter, we are part of the $5b global OUTSOURCING Inc. group, with over 80 brands in 22 countries.

If you’re building a tech team or need additional expertise for your IT projects, either call your Clicks Account Manager today, call 1300 CLICKS, or register your vacancy online here.

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