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The latest market intelligence, hiring insights, and how to optimise your relationship with your recruiter.

Latest Blogs

Hiring: Deciding Between Two Great Candidates

Hiring managers face many challenges. The technology sector is very dynamic and fluctuates, and at times you can find that the talent pool in certain areas is quite deep. While this may sound like a great problem to have, too many candidates for too few roles isn’t good for anyone. Make The Correct Hiring Decision…

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How to Write a Great Position Description to Attract Great Talent

In the same way that employers gain insights about job seekers through CVs, job seekers gather information about prospective employers through position descriptions (PDs). According to Clicks’ latest IT Recruitment & Retention Report, employers reported fewer rejections for job offers over the last year, however, hiring managers should be wary that this number is still…

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Avoid These Hiring Hazards and Recruit Like a Boss

When a role becomes vacant in an organisation, it often becomes a scramble to fill it within a period-of-notice timeframe. This usually means rolling out existing processes (including repurposing old job ads and position descriptions) in an effort to expedite hiring a like-for-like replacement. The role is quickly published on a job board and hiring…

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January 25, 2024

Don’t Lose Quality Talent by Neglecting Your Employer Brand

Your recruitment process, for any position, begins well before your job ad hits the market. Your employer brand is critical to attract, engage and retain top talent. A strong employer brand helps reduce the time it takes to fill your vacancy and turnover in your organisation. So, if you’re not investing in an employer brand…

October 27, 2023

Are You Planning for Additional Headcount in Q1 next year?

After over 20 years in the industry, I’m not too proud to say that I know recruiting is one of people’s least favourite things. It often feels like a distraction from your core responsibilities, and something you need to do in addition to your ‘day job’. That’s partly true. Which is where we come in….

October 3, 2023

How to Strengthen the Recruitment Process

Many people consider recruitment to be quite an intuitive process. The reality is, it’s often not that simple. That’s why we believe it’s important to apply organisational design best practices to ensure an objective and robust hiring process. Designing tailored assessment activities to support hiring processes is one way to apply organisational design. These activities may comprise of bespoke behavioural based interview questions, work samples, group activities, and role-plays. We’ve worked with clients to craft assessments that align with their organisation’s capability framework and include objective rating scales. This enables effective evaluation of the performance of each activity designed.

June 7, 2023

Clicks IT Recruitment Wins Excellence in Business Innovation at the 2023 RCSA Awards!

Clicks is thrilled to have won the Excellence in Business Innovation category at the 2023 RCSA Awards! The win complements Clicks’ recent recognition also being named as finalist in the Industry Leader 2023 category of the awards. The award celebrates the continuing innovation and improvement within its recruitment-based operations. One of the key innovations that…

March 8, 2023

This International Women’s Day – Let’s Get Real About the Gender Pay Gap

The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day is Embrace Equity. I am a firm believer of the adage, “you can’t manage what you don’t measure.” So, if we are truly serious about embracing equity, we need to be clear about our goals and how we plan to achieve them. At Clicks, we believe that a…

February 15, 2023

Clicks’ 2023 IT Recruitment & Retention Report

After record breaking highs, IT staffing demand continues to hold strong What is the IT Recruitment & Retention Report? Clicks’ IT Recruitment & Retention Report has been in production since 2006. For those new to the report, it collates data from hundreds of organisations across Australian Government and corporate sectors. The information is highly anticipated…

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