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Clicks Helping Those Less Fortunate on Their Employment Journey

Clicks IT Recruitment and Wear For Success

As the weather heats up, many of us are looking into our crowded wardrobes and trying to get motivated to create some space. Well, now we have the perfect reason to do so!

Wear for Success ( is an organisation dedicated to helping individuals realise their potential and helping them look the part on their employment journey. They provide services such as professional clothing, career support training, and a range of transitioning-to-work programs. Wear for Success is always happy to receive good quality, work-appropriate clothing so their clients can feel confident and look the part when going for interviews.

We opened up the wardrobes here at Clicks and they quickly filled up with amazing donations of high quality workwear:

  • Suits
  • Shirts
  • Dresses
  • Trousers
  • Blouses
  • Jackets
  • Shoes
  • Accessories (belts, scarves, ties etc)

Clicks Helping Those Less Fortunate on Their Employment Journey

We are incredibly proud to help people feel confident and look the part on their employment journey. Well done team!

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