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Clicks ‘IT Employment Confidence Index’: IT Professionals’ Confidence Rebounding in 2021

Clicks IT Recruitment has been measuring the confidence of IT professionals over the last five years. Our survey includes a range of critical social and economic indicators that are measured around the world by leading institutions to inform business decisions. Our latest report shows the confidence of IT professionals has bounced back in 2021 across a number of measures. In some areas, we’ve seen new records created, and across others, a return to pre-COVID levels.

86% of respondents reported they would be open to new job opportunities, with 58% actively looking for a new job in the next 12 months. This level of active job-seeking is the highest it’s been in five years. Additionally, IT professionals are feeling more secure about their employment. Those who believe they are at risk of losing their jobs are currently at a record low of 15%.

In our last report in 2020, IT professionals reported the lowest levels of optimism for overall job prospects on record. Yet, in our most recent report, it has recovered to 51%, in line with the survey’s five-year average. Respondents are also feeling positive about the future of their employer. This measure has returned to 55%, closer to the 59% reported before the pandemic.

The results of this survey will present a number of challenges for hiring managers and recruitment teams. Top candidates are likely to have multiple offers under consideration, alongside counteroffers from their current employer. Although more candidates are entering the market, the IT industry is a competitive sector that remained relatively resilient to the impacts of COVID. Additionally, many organisations have ramped up their hiring significantly, fuelling increased demand.

This means communicating opportunities clearly and compellingly will be critical. Employers can communicate effectively to prospective employees through concise position descriptions; appealing job ads; well-managed interviews; attractive employee value proposition and benefits; and competitive salaries. In short, hiring managers need to “sell” the opportunity to candidates or potentially miss out to a hiring manager who does. A strong understanding of candidates’ motivations – not just their skills and experience will be another important factor. Of equal significance is the need for the decision-making and offer process to move swiftly.

For further insights and a copy of our latest report, reach out to your Clicks Account Manager, or request a copy by clicking here. For any hiring needs, contact your Clicks Account Manager or call us on 1300 CLICKS for a confidential discussion. Clicks’ specialises in IT recruitment. Our recruiters average 12 years of industry experience, and we’re on over 80 Preferred Supplier Agreements. As Australia’s favourite IT recruiters, we can help you find top talent, fast!

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