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Clicks Takes Top Spot Again in Service Excellence!

The team at Clicks were beyond thrilled when we got the news! We are winners in this year’s Australian Business Awards, in the Service Excellence category. This is the second time our Contractor Care team has taken out this award, with the first time being in 2017.

This year’s submission had a particular focus on our Contractor Care function and it’s technological innovation and recently-awarded Wellness program. Clicks is an industry pioneer, being one of the first recruiters to have a dedicated team focusing on enhancing both the contractor experience and our customers’ success.

Ben Wood, Clicks’ Managing Director, said, “I’m delighted that our Contractor Care team have again been recognised for the great work they do. From day one we’ve had a vision about the positive impact we wanted our Contractor Care team to have. Over the last 17 years we’ve worked hard to hone that vision into a mature business framework that has real, measurable results… and plenty of repeat, happy customers.

Apart from the obvious benefits to contractors, particularly when it comes time to extend or find your next engagement, the program also has a big impact on our clients. Having a contract workforce that is more engaged means more efficiency, as well as fewer unexpected terminations or replacements, so less time is needed to train or re-train new starters. Our clients really value these bottom line savings on their spending and productivity.”

Rachel Rose is Clicks’ National Manager, Contractor Care. She has been with Clicks for over nine years, and has overseen a number of innovations to the program while in the role. She said, “Our contractors always know that we’re working hard for them, and that we’re only ever a phone call away if they need any advice or assistance.

They love the events we put on for them throughout the year. Our approach to adding value is very flexible, with new items always being added to our Contractor Benefits program. For example, we know that our contractors need to stay connected and up-to-date with the newest technologies and practices, so our most recent additions are an exclusive offer with a Project Management training provider as well as excellent deals on post-paid phone plans. . We survey our contractors often, and listen when they tell us they’d like something.”

We’ve also combined our commitment to reducing waste with our Contractor Care offerings, having invested in some hugely popular Clicks branded Keep Cups, a new favourite for our contractors to not only flaunt on their desks – but to also help reduce the amount of non-recyclable takeaway coffee cups that end up in landfill each year.

We’d like to say a huge thank you to our Contractor Care team for their tireless hard work – thanks team, we couldn’t do our jobs without you!

If you’d like to know more about how our Contractor Care team can help your organisation, please contact Ben Wood, Managing Director, on 03 9963 4884 or email him.

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