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Give Yourself a Clicks-mas in July Gift

As the only member of my family to be born in Australia of British and German parentage, I sort of get the ‘Christmas in July’ movement. Whilst us kids were counting down the days until we could break out the Slip ‘n Slide and annual box of Paddle Pops, mum and dad were quietly wistful about mulled wine, roaring fires and listening to carols whilst looking out the window at the gently falling snow.

I also think it’s nice to take any opportunity we can to come together with friends and family and really stop to enjoy one another’s company. It seems that as we age, we become busier and more time-poor, and find it harder to put these types of events into our calendar. Before we know it, another year has slipped past and we wonder how much we really know about important things that are happening in our nearest and dearest’s lives. That’s how it is with me anyway!

So anything that will save me time in my work life is a good thing. One of the things that I find myself begrudging spending time on is recruitment. This may sound ironic, given that I work in the business of recruitment. Like any other executive in a growing organisation, my teams either need to increase headcount to keep up with demand, engage specialists for my portfolio of projects, and of course there is always that one pesky role that you just can’t find the right person for.

Having 20 years’ industry experience, there are a number of my internal vacancies that I think ‘I’ll just do this myself’. However each time I do this, I’m reminded of just how much easier it makes my life in general, when I hand the role over to a Clicks recruiter.

So I’m writing this blog to encourage you to give yourself the gift of more time, less hassle and fewer headaches this Christmas in July, by engaging a Clicks recruiter for those nagging roles that you just need filled.

These are the 12 Gifts of Clicks-mas that you will receive:

  1. Spend just 30 minutes briefing Clicks on your role, then cross it off your list of things to think about
  2. Clicks people spend all day building their network of talent, so you don’t have to hope that the right person sees your ad on the right day
  3. Briefing a single recruiter whom you can trust means you’re only dealing with one person throughout the recruitment process
  4. Save the time you’d spend trying to write an appropriately worded job ad, that is gender-neutral and diversity appropriate
  5. Save the time you’d spend reading through upwards of a hundred applications, the bulk of which won’t be quite what you need
  6. Save the time you’d spend replying to each applicant, and answering the queries that those you reject come back with
  7. Save the time telephone screening ten or more suitable applicants in order to create a shortlist for interview
  8. Save the time and money spent checking the applicants’ rights to work in Australia and other credentials
  9. Save the time creating an interview template with behavioural questions that will test candidates’ competencies against those of your role
  10. Save the time coordinating the diaries of multiple senior stakeholders to meet with your shortlisted candidates
  11. Save the time interviewing candidates whose technical skills haven’t been tested, and who may interview well but won’t be able to meet your requirements
  12. Save the time having to negotiate salaries, start dates and employment conditions.

What will you do with all that extra time?

If you’re ready to give yourself the gift of more time to do things that matter, then contact your local Clicks Account Manager, or call 1300 CLICKS today.

Merry Christmas in July!

Sam Micich, General Manager – Operations.

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