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How Do You Like My Extensions?

If you’re picturing me with Bob Marley dreadlocks or waist-long Mariah Carey tresses, it would be pretty hilarious, but that’s not where I’m coming from.

It’s that time of year. Not only are the days getting shorter and the heater needing to be turned on more regularly, hundreds of Clicks contractors with an end date of 30 June are keenly awaiting confirmation of their extensions.

For the Contractor Care team at Clicks, this is always our busiest time of year. We juggle communications, negotiations and approvals between our contractors, the Clicks Account Managers, our clients (usually the contractor’s line manager), and those enigmatic, mythical creatures who reside in the shadowy corridors of many organisations with the fabled power to sign off on purchase orders. No mean feat.

This year though, extension season has an added air of importance. COVID-19 has shaken up everything that we used to consider ‘normal’. Hundreds of thousands of Australians have lost their employment. Of those still fortunate enough to have work, many have been asked to reduce their hours, take a pay cut, redeploy, and/or work from home – whilst home-schooling their kids and figuring out how to be present, productive, stay fit and not snack all day. It’s stressful to say the least.

This is where you come in.

If you are one of the hundreds of wonderful line managers with Clicks contractors working for you, it will never mean more to your contractors to have their extensions confirmed early. Today is not too soon to get the ball rolling. Many of our contractors have partners who have been stood down or lost their job. Providing your contractors with income security is a way of demonstrating your support that is both simple and invaluable.

If there is anything Clicks can do to help you expedite your extension process, we are on standby to take your call. You can email or call me on 03 9963 4806, call your local Contractor Care representative, call your Clicks Account Manager, or call 1300 CLICKS, or all of the above. We’re here to help.

Rachel Fancoli
National Manager, Contractor Care

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