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Job Market Undeterred By EOFY Uncertainty

Clicks has just released the results of its latest quarterly IT Employment Confidence Index. The results were gathered from nearly 400 Australian IT employers and professionals over the April-June quarter of 2018.

The key metrics from this quarter’s Index illustrate a stable job market with record levels of employee confidence. 42% of IT professionals are feeling positive about Australia’s current economic conditions and 62% are optimistic about the outlook of their employers, the highest results received since we commenced this Index in Q1 2015.

In an indicator of market stability, those expecting to be looking for an IT job over the next 12 months sits at 50% and only 32% of respondents would consider a new opportunity if approached, down from 39% last quarter.

The general feeling of optimism is clearly evident when discussing job-seeking: 59% of IT professionals feel positive about their ability to find a new job, and only 18% of our respondents believe it’s hard to get a job in the current environment. This is by far the lowest representation we’ve seen and is a powerful indicator of optimism in the Australian IT market.

What makes these results more remarkable is the time of year. Usually, in the lead up to the end of financial year, we see a drop in some respondents’ optimism with the uncertainty of contract renewal on the horizon.

A stable economic climate presents a wealth of opportunity to businesses; now is a perfect time to begin introducing major projects which rely on long-term stability. Clicks is able to support these projects through the provision of highly-skilled temporary and permanent IT staff with experience across a range of industries.

If you have a major program of work in your pipeline and would like to discuss the most effective strategies for securing your required skill sets, please reach out to your Clicks Account Manager, or call us on 1300 CLICKS for a confidential discussion. To view the full results of this quarter’s IT Employment Confidence Index, please click here.

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