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Job Seekers Remain Confident in 2019: IT Employment Confidence Index

The key metrics from this quarter’s IT Employment Confidence Index illustrate solid levels of employee confidence despite uncertain economic conditions. 61% of respondents to our survey are feeling confident about their ability to secure a new job, and 62% feel positive about their overall employment prospects.

The latest quarterly survey of Clicks’ Australian IT workforce shows that the number of “passive”, or those candidates open to changing jobs, is at a high of 79%. This indicates that IT professionals are feeling positive about the future of their employers and their own careers, and are self-assured when it comes to their ability to find a new job.

The survey results showed strong optimistic trends across most key indices. With a record high of 29% believing there were ‘plenty’ of available IT jobs, an increase over the previous period. This supports recent media reports about major government departments and large corporates needing to update their enterprise technology systems.

Additionally, more than nine in ten people feel either neutral or positive about the future of their employers. This is lower than both last quarter and the same period last year.

These sentiments are backed up by the high levels of activity we are seeing in the market right now. Clicks is seeing growth in demand for both contract and permanent recruitment services, primarily driven by a significant growth in permanent positions.

At a time of year when organisations can enter a “go-slow” period, and we are faced with ongoing political issues and elections, Clicks’ clients are still in high-growth hiring mode across all sectors.

This sends a strong message to the tech workforce: there is a steady flow of good jobs for strong applicants, and employers can feel confident that the best people are willing to consider a move.

If you are considering putting off your hiring plans, I would strongly urge you to consult with your Clicks Account Manager. They will be able to provide market intelligence on the strength of the candidate pool in your industry. You may find that hiring now will actually be more advantageous.

As always, please consider your Clicks Account Manager a trusted advisor who is on hand to share their invaluable market knowledge to help you achieve your business objectives.

It’s our shout for coffee if you’d like a second pair of eyes on your hiring plans over the next 6 months… call your Account Manager directly, or if you’re new to Clicks, call us on 1300 CLICKS for assistance.

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