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No News is Great News: IT Workers Remain Upbeat

Clicks has just released the results of its latest quarterly IT Employment Confidence Index. The results were gathered over the Jan-March quarter of 2018, from over 300 Australian IT employers and professionals.

The metrics in this quarter’s Index point to a narrative of sustained optimism across the market. Optimism about employers is especially in evidence, with 61% feeling upbeat about their workplace. Positive sentiments typically mean a more stable workforce, which allows employers to make more effective-long term plans and forecasts.

Many other metrics also showed optimal stability over the last twelve months, including optimism about economic conditions; fear of losing one’s job; and ability to secure a new job.

When considered together, these results speak to an ideal environment for businesses to introduce major programs of work. These require stability and consistency over an extended period. This is typically resourced via a structure comprising a strong permanent workforce that is augmented by specialist contractors, who are brought in and out as required to support the delivery of these critical projects.

Clicks maintains talent pools of senior technical practitioners with portfolios of significant federal and enterprise initiatives from a range of industries. If you have a major program of work in your pipeline and would like to discuss the most effective strategies for securing your required skillsets, please reach out to your Clicks Account Manager, or call us on 1300 CLICKS for a confidential discussion.

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