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Nominate Now for the 2019 TechDiversity Awards

The 2019 TechDiversity awards are now open, and Clicks is proud to be the diamond sponsor for a second year. Founded in 2015, the awards recognise organisations that raise awareness and create change through diversity initiatives across technology programs. We would love your organisation to submit a nomination.

Often when working on diversity programs, we can get caught up in the ‘doing’, and forget to acknowledge our efforts or the value of what we have achieved. We regularly have conversations with clients about their diversity needs / programs and learn about some amazing initiatives that aren’t being recognised.

Disappointingly, we also observe that these efforts are often undervalued. Thankfully, the TechDiversity Awards provide the opportunity for these diversity initiatives to be recognised for their true value. So this is not the time to undersell yourself, or think it’s not a ‘big enough deal’ to submit a nomination for.

The Awards aren’t only about winning…they’re about raising the profile of all the collective diversity initiatives and the value that they provide. They also provide an excellent platform for meeting like-minded people and organisations.

The team at Clicks and our clients have directly benefited as a result of our association with the TechDiversity Foundation. The founders recognised the important research Clicks was doing into Gender Diversity in the Australian IT Market, and encouraged us to launch our roadshow of workshops to share the data with the market. I’m sure anyone who was at our recent events facilitated by Sam Micich in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra will agree it’s a great value-add for any organisation wanting to improve their gender balance.

So stand tall, stand proud, stand strong and back yourself and like last years’ education category winner, Queerly Represent Me, you too could walk away with a TechDiversity Award for all your hard work this year!

There are four categories of nomination for organisations making a difference in STEM diversity: government, media, education and business. If you have an inspiring story like Queerly Represent Me, we’d love to hear about it. The 2017 overall winner completed their submission in just one day, so it’s a fantastic return on your time investment! If you’d like to learn more about the 2018 TechDiversity award winners, click here. 

Nominations close on the 5th of July 2019, so don’t delay! Submit your nomination here!

Ben Wood, Managing Director

About the TechDiversity Foundation: The Foundation is committed to amplifying diversity awareness and achieving a culture of inclusion, through conversation, collaboration and action among a committed #TechDiversity community.

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