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There’s a Reference Group Coming to a Town Near You!

Clicks began its relationship with the #TechDiversity Foundation three years ago. At that time, our primary diversity focus was gender balance in the IT workforce. Whilst our gender work continues, we have since broadened our focus to include neurodiversity after an introduction to the talented and capable team at Specialisterne. Since then we have done countless hours of training, observing, brainstorming and talking to as many people as possible to spread the message about the Autism Advantage.

We were delighted then, to be invited as the first recruiter in the newly-formed Recruitment Industry Reference Group. Our friends at Specialisterne have received Government grants to engage autism and neurodiversity in the workplace, and create an Enablement and Capacity Building program for business and the recruitment sector.

The goals of the program are to work with small to medium sized business enterprises (SMEs) and recruitment sector businesses to build their knowledge, confidence and capacity to engage, promote and value the employable talents and abilities of autistic individuals.

We’ll do this by facilitating demonstration programs for businesses and employers to showcase best practice approaches. These approaches will include more inclusive hiring processes and career opportunities to autistic and neurodiverse candidates. This is a significant proportion of our society who are being excluded through traditional pathways.

Over the coming weeks, the Reference Group will be seeking interested SMEs in Central Brisbane and SE Metro Melbourne to participate in the program. Participating organisations will learn to better understand the unique skills and traits that people on the spectrum offer. They’ll also be part of an autism talent sourcing and assessment centre that will showcase alternative hiring approaches that enable autistic people to pursue competitive job opportunities in open market employment. Plus much, much more!

What can you do? Spread the word! Please forward this email to anyone you know who may be interested in taking part. If your organisation is interested, please contact me on 03 9963 4802, or send me an email.

Sam Micich

General Manager, Operations.

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