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Crafting Effective Position Descriptions Part 2: Highlighting the Candidate

In the first part of this blog series, we explored the elements that employers should aim to include in their position descriptions (PDs) to promote their company and attract top talent.

Now, let’s delve into the key aspects of highlighting the candidate in the PD. By incorporating the right language, sections, and key criteria, you can create a compelling description that resonates with candidates and encourages the best to apply!

Language and Tone

The language and tone used in a position description play a vital role in attracting the right candidates. Craft your PD with a tone that aligns with your company culture and values. Use a friendly, engaging, and inclusive tone that appeals to the aspirations and motivations of your target audience. Opt for clear, concise, and accessible language that allows candidates to easily understand the requirements and responsibilities of the role.

Sections to Include

To effectively highlight the candidate in your PD, the following sections are a must-have.

Job Summary: Begin with a concise overview of the role in question. Highlight the primary responsibilities and objectives, emphasising how the position contributes to the overall success of the company.

Qualifications and Experience: Clearly outline the required qualifications, skills, and experience necessary for the role. Differentiate between “must-haves” and “nice-to-haves” to ensure candidates understand the essential criteria before applying.

Key Responsibilities: Provide a comprehensive list of the main duties and responsibilities associated with the position. Break them down into bullet points or subheadings to make it easier to read, and be specific about the scope and impact of each responsibility.

Desired Attributes: Beyond just technical qualifications, highlight the personal attributes and qualities you are seeking in a candidate. This could include qualities such as adaptability, strong communication skills, leadership abilities, problem-solving, or a passion for learning.

Career Growth and Advancement: Demonstrate the potential for professional growth and advancement within your company. Outline career paths, promotional opportunities, and if possible, promotion triggers within your organisation. This will appeal to candidates who are seeking long-term development and advancement in their careers!

Key Criteria to Emphasise

If all goes well, there will be a large number of candidates that come across your PD and the open role. To ensure you have the appropriate candidates applying for the role, there are some key criteria that require emphasis. These include;

Technical Skills: Highlight the specific technical skills or certifications required for the role. Be precise about the tools, software and technologies the candidate will be expected to work with. Be specific where possible, this will allow candidates to open up about their experience with specific technologies or platforms during the interview process.

Soft Skills: Similar to the desired attributes mentioned above, emphasise the soft skills that are crucial for success in the position. These may include communication, teamwork, problem-solving, adaptability, leadership, or creativity.

Cultural Fit: Describe the cultural attributes and values that are important to your company. Highlight the importance of teamwork, achievement, care, openness, or any other values that define your organisational culture.

Achievement and Impact: Illustrate the type of impact the candidate can have within the company. Describe past accomplishments of employees in similar roles to give candidates a sense of the contributions they can make and the recognition they can receive. Highlight specific projects or initiatives they will be involved in that contribute to the overall mission of the organisation.

By incorporating these sections and key criteria, you can effectively highlight the candidate in your position description and attract individuals who are the right fit for your organisation. Remember to strike a balance between providing necessary information about the role and presenting an exciting narrative that resonates with the best candidates.

If you or your team are hiring, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Clicks is an award-winning IT recruitment specialist. Our recruiters average 12 years of industry experience, and we’re on over 80 Preferred Supplier Agreements. As Australia’s favourite IT recruiters, we can help you find top talent.

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