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How to Quickly Hire the Right Person for the Job

Working Exclusively With Your Recruitment Agency Can Help Deliver the Result You Want

Are you hiring and need to engage a recruitment agency? There’s a range of reasons why you may need some extra support. You’ve already conducted a search without being able to fill the vacancy, or you simply don’t have the time or resources. Whatever the reason may be, you’re probably looking to find the right candidate fast. Before you pick up the phone to call all the recruiters in your contacts list, consider working with only one agency. I’m going to bust some common myths when it comes to engaging multiple agencies. I hope this helps you get the most out of your partnership with your recruitment agency, and most importantly, fill that role.

Myth 1 – I will save time

The reality is the more agencies you engage, the more time and effort will be required on your part. Even if you do conduct a joint briefing to advise the agencies of your requirements, you will still need to field questions (from the candidates or agency), organise interviews and provide feedback with multiple people. Engaging with an agency exclusively means they do more of the work – not you!

Myth 2 – I need to see as many candidates as possible

There is a misconception that seeing more candidates will increase the chances of finding the right one. If you have one position open, you really only need one candidate who meets the requirements of the role to fill it. The recruitment agency that’s helping you should present the most suitable candidates. That means you may be reviewing fewer candidates, but they will be a stronger match against what you are looking for.

Myth 3 – I will get a better result if I engage lots of agencies

It’s important to remember that recruiters are paid commission on placements made, not jobs brought in. If they are working on your exclusive role alongside a similar role that’s in competition with three other agencies, which one do you think will get the best candidates and more of their effort? Yours, every time. Engaging multiple agencies can compromise quality, as recruiters rush to present candidates first. Engaging one recruitment agency allows them to conduct a thorough search and consistent selection process before presenting their shortlist. Additionally, exclusive roles are prioritised and your agency is committed to working on the role until it’s filled.

An exclusive partnership also results in an improved candidate experience. The recruitment consultant can spend the appropriate amount of time briefing candidates about the opportunity and promote the benefits of your workplace. Candidates also receive consistent information about the role and company. An exclusive arrangement does not lock you into one agency forever. Agree on an exclusive period at the start of the process. That way you can engage other agencies if deliverables haven’t been met with agreed timeframes. You can also set up checkpoints to get an update on progress.

You’ll find when you engage an agency exclusively, they will be eager to prove themselves and will deliver. As someone with extensive experience managing my own hiring, I always try to engage as few recruitment agencies as possible. For the reasons outlined, my preference is to partner with one good agency. Good luck with your search and I hope you have a fruitful partnership with your recruitment agency.

Clicks specialises in IT recruitment. We’ve been doing it for over 30 years and we’re on over 80 Preferred Supplier Agreements. As Australia’s favourite IT recruiter, employers all across Australia trust us to find great people. We have specialist teams who are trained across each IT skill vertical. Whether it’s permanent, contract, fixed-term, master vendor, or payroll only, we’ve ready to help. Register a Vacancy or contact us on 1300 CLICKS today for a confidential chat.

Sam Micich

General Manager, Operations

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