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Record High Confidence – What Does this Mean for Employers in 2022?

Clicks IT Recruitment ‘IT Employment Confidence Index’ report for Q4 2021

Since 2015, Clicks’ ‘IT Employment Confidence Index’ report has been measuring the confidence of IT Professionals. Each quarter, we survey employees and job seekers to obtain insights into current sentiments. We ask respondents to reveal how they are feeling about: the conditions of the Australian economy and IT job market; their job search intentions; confidence levels about their job security. Demand for IT professionals shows no sign of slowing. With continued discussion about the Great Resignation and Great Reshuffle, the data and trends from this report provide important insights to help employers hire and attract IT candidates.

What does Click’s 25th edition of the ‘IT Employment Confidence Index’ report reveal?

Data collected from the Q4 2021 report shows confidence levels are at a record high – new records have been set across all metrics. Since 2021, IT professionals have been reporting increasing levels of confidence. This quarter indicates the IT sector has well and truly recovered since COVID-19 began. When we look at respondents’ overall sentiment about their employment prospects, 69% reported feeling confident. This is a strong recovery compared to Q2 and Q3 of 2020, when just 43% indicated positive sentiment.

IT workers are feeling more secure than ever. Over two-thirds of respondents do not believe their job is at risk. This stands out when compared to Q3 of 2020, when 67% of respondents believed they would lose their job, while the remaining 33% thought they might.

However, the most notable trend is the proportion of respondents who are committed to staying in their current role versus those who are open to new opportunities. Only 13% of respondents indicated they will not be looking for a new IT job in the next 12 months. Of the remaining 87% of respondents, 42% are actively looking for a new role, while 45% would consider the right opportunity.

To secure your copy of the full report, please click the link below.

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What does this mean for employers?

The record-breaking confidence levels reported amongst IT professionals will impact each organisation differently. However, we anticipate:

  • Stronger confidence levels about the employment market will result in increased risk-taking behaviour.
    • This may mean early departures from contract engagements.
    • Permanent employees may resign without securing a new job, or new starters could switch jobs before probation or within their first 12 months.
    • Job seekers will be more selective with roles they apply to, and may hold out for the ‘right’ opportunity before accepting.
  • With less commitment to staying and more people open to new opportunities than previously reported, the war for talent will be redefined in 2022. Organisations will need to focus just as much on hanging onto current staff, as they will on sourcing and attracting new staff.

What can HR teams and business leaders do?

Our report indicates more people are open to new opportunities than we have seen before. However, those who are actively searching (42%) are slightly lower than those who can be swayed if the opportunity is right (45%). That’s why organisations should double down on retention efforts. If you want to keep your staff, make your role the right opportunity for them. That way you’ll avoid creating more demand for hiring – which is already challenging in a candidate short market.

Retention initiatives are generally well aligned with employer branding and EVP work, thus helping attract external candidates to your organisation. Investing in leaders and ensuring you have the right people (or partnerships) to help you find, induct, support, inspire and grow the right talent will be a critical part of your organisation’s success.

Read our case studies  to learn more about how we help organisations find great talent.

Clicks is an award-winning IT recruitment specialist. Our team averages 12 years’ industry experience, and we’re on over 80 Preferred Supplier Agreements. As Australia’s favourite recruiters, we help job seekers find great opportunities and companies find great people each day!

Register a Vacancy or contact us on 1300 CLICKS today for a confidential chat. We have specialist teams who are trained across each IT skill vertical. Whether it’s permanent, contract, fixed-term, master vendor, or payroll only, we’ve ready to help. 

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