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4 Tips to Recover Well After Exercise

The health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are well-known. Having a good understanding and approach to recovery will help to keep you moving towards your fitness and health goals.

So whether you’re finishing up an intense run, cycle or an indoor sweat session on the yoga mat, here are 4 tips for post-workout recovery that will have you feeling well rested and ready to own the day.

1. Eat Well

Easier said than done, or so I’ve recently discovered. Eating well is arguably one of the best ways to offset any soreness you might experience after a strenuous workout. Unlike your normal daily meals, it’s important to have a protein-rich meal following exercise. Consuming protein post-workout will assist in muscle recovery and repair, reducing the likelihood of pulling up sore the next day.

There is plenty of research that delves into how many grams of proteins, carbohydrates and fats you should consume per kilo of body weight, but we like to keep things easy. Try and hit the following balance: around 20 to 40 grams of protein, 60 to 120 grams of carbs (or a 3:1, carb:protein ratio) and yes, don’t be scared of adding in some fats, too!

We’re proud to bring you easy, delicious and seasonal recipes and food articles in each week’s issue of #WellnessMatters. Although these may not always be the healthiest options available, they provide a solid variety featuring some adventurous flavours and even some unbeatable ‘Australian’ classics – pavlova anyone?

2. Stay Hydrated

Often overlooked in the colder months, staying hydrated is absolutely essential before, during and after a workout. Among many other functions, staying hydrated helps to remove the metabolic waste a workout typically produces.

Although you won’t realise it, you will be far more dehydrated than you think, especially if you’re working out inside.

If you’re trying to re-hydrate after a workout, it’s probably best to avoid over-indulging in the post-workout happy hour.

3. Stretch It Out

Stretching is a great way to relieve tightness and soreness after a workout. While exercising, muscle groups undergo two primary motions: a flex, and an extension. Most of the time we focus on the flex-action of an exercise, which often leads to tightness and occasionally soreness. Stretching is a great way to relieve tension through these muscle groups, and should only take about 10 minutes after exercise.

Dynamic stretches are also a great way to get some blood flowing while you’re working from home, and can be easily done throughout the day.

4. A Little Rest & Recuperation

I recently asked a friend “If you had an extra hour in the day, what would you do?” Their answer, like many, was “sleep”. Sleep is a great way to help your body reset, de-stress and prepare for the next day.

If you’re struggling with sleep here are some great tips to try out. If you’re looking for a new approach, try the “less is more” approach to help you doze off.

If you have any awesome tips or tricks that you use to help recover after exercise we’d love to hear from you.

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