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How to Be at Home like a Boss

There’s a lot of uncertainty floating around at the moment, so we thought it would be useful to focus on some helpful tips and tricks to make the most out of staying at home! If you’re like me and enjoy the outdoors, adventuring or simply taking in the sights, staying home might seem a little daunting. However, there are some super cool ways that you can stay occupied and well while staying in – and no they’re not all digital!

How to Stay Occupied

It’s important to keep yourself occupied when staying indoors. If you’re able to work from home, setting yourself up in a comfortable space is key. Remember, if you’ve got a backyard, private courtyard or balcony you have the perfect setup to enjoy the outdoors while tapping away on your laptop. Because who doesn’t love a breath of fresh air?

One of my favourite things to do is to sit out on my balcony when it’s raining ever so lightly. Sitting, enjoying the ambience and taking some time to enjoy the view is a great way to reset. So if you find yourself working from home, why not crack out the laptop with some light refreshments and enjoy some fresh air in nature’s office? You might even do a daily 10 minute mindfulness session in this setting.

Dust Off a Book

An old-school concept I know. However, staying in provides you the perfect opportunity to be super productive and get to all those things you ‘meant to do’, but never quite got around to. Jumping into an exciting or interesting book can really help pass the time. Books can also provide a great way to pull yourself away from your devices, and actually help give your eyes a bit of a break.

The type of book doesn’t matter; whether fiction or non-fiction, being able to enjoy and immerse yourself in the book is what really matters. Actually…I don’t recall anyone saying they enjoyed reading the dictionary unless they were proving a point.

Go Outside

It is completely fine for you to go outside whilst in self-isolation, as long as you avoid close contact with others. Go for a walk or a run, or ride your favourite bike track. Getting some fresh air and a change of scenery will make a huge difference to maintaining a positive mindset. Getting a good dose of Vitamin D also delivers many health benefits, including helping with your all-important serotonin. Remember to check your local restrictions regarding your requirements for safely being outside.

Dust Off Your “One day when I get the time…” Project List

Everyone has one of these lists. Is it sorting out or digitising the family photos? Marie Kondo-ing your drawers? Cleaning out the garage? Learning another language? Doing an online training course? Think about projects that will actually mean something to you, so that when you look back on your isolation period you’ll only have positive associations.

Keep Moving

Thank goodness it’s 2021. There are endless YouTube channels and apps for whatever kind of lounge-room fitness floats your boat: Strength Training, Cardio Fitness, Yoga, Pilates, Mindfulness, Stretching – there is literally no excuse. So drop and give me 20!

Don’t Forget the Kids

However much they would like to, spending days on end staring at a phone screen isn’t a great idea for anyone, let alone children. Luring them out of their bedrooms with activities or some awesome board games will help keep them occupied.

Check out this list put together by a mum whilst living the dream at home. They might just realise that being stuck with family isn’t all that bad – especially when you’re having fun.

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