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October is Mental Health Month

It’s October…already! And while this might cause a little flutter of where does the time go, the fact remains that time is not going any faster, we’re just not paying attention to the moments that whoosh past us daily.

October is world Mental Health Month. Clicks & INDEX have a dedicated Wellness team whose focus is to make sure we’re doing our best to provide a workplace with mental, physical, and financial wellbeing as a priority.

For the month of October, the team has really ramped things up. We have a whole schedule of wellness initiatives to bring us together, take time out from the busy, and provide moments that become memories and bring our minds to the present moment.

Mental fitness is an important part of our exercise routine, and finding ways to strengthen and care for our mental health is imperative for thriving workplaces. Mental illness has become the leading cause of long-term sickness absence in Australian workplaces. While this is an alarming statistic, the rising volume of conversations about ensuring workers are taking care of their mental health is encouraging.

While we are doing our bit to make mental health a part of our every day, not just a prescribed month of activities, we have complied a list of simple, but easily overlooked recommendations and strategies to implement that can fortify your mental wellbeing at work.

Claim (or Reclaim) Your Break

Breaks aren’t a luxury; they’re a necessity! Take a moment to step away from your desk, stretch those legs, and recharge. Even a five-minute pause can work wonders for your focus and creativity. So, make sure you use your lunch breaks, because you can’t bank them. Every break not taken is a chance to recharge lost energy. Even better – get outside sun and get a dose of healing Vitamin D!


If your office is amenable to a communal speaker, let the only problem be whose playlist you grimace at the most. Music can lift your spirits, energise your day, take you back to the good old days and help you find common ground with your coworkers.


Inject a little levity in your communications. Sometimes a funny anecdote attached to a Teams message, or a meme included in an email update is a small but simple way to elevate the mundane. A good chuckle can instantly brighten your day and lighten any heavy atmosphere. Share a funny meme or watch a silly video; those little moments of joy can turn a dull day into a delightful one. Let’s keep the giggles rolling!

Keep Moving

Movement is so important to get endorphins flowing. A quick walk around the block, a stretch, or if the music is good, a couple of dance moves will do the trick.

Make Your Work Area Tidy and Inviting

Cluttered space can often translate to a cluttered mind. Take a few minutes to tidy up your desk and maybe add a splash of colour with a desktop plant. An inviting workspace can inspire creativity and make you feel more at home.

Get to Know the People You Work With

Building connections at work can make all the difference. Interact with your colleagues and take the time to chat about more than work. Share a laugh, and get to know them better. You’ll find that these relationships can foster a supportive environment and make your workdays so much brighter. Work friends make work work.

Set Goals

Setting goals gives you a sense of purpose and direction. Whether they’re big or small, writing down your aspirations helps keep you motivated. Celebrate your wins, no matter how tiny—they all count.


Learning new things can be incredibly empowering and fulfilling. Whether it’s a professional skill or a fun hobby, investing in yourself opens up a world of possibilities.


In the hustle and bustle of life, we often breathe shallowly and mindlessly! A few deep breaths can ground you and bring a wave of calm. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, pause and reconnect with your breath. You know that buzzy feeling you get after a round of deep inhales/exhales? That’s your body thanking you.

Find Something Good in Every Day

Every day holds a little spark of positivity waiting to be unearthed or recognised. It might be a kind word from a friend, a beautiful sunset, or that first sip of coffee. Make it a habit to look for the good. Your perspective will brighten and so will your overall outlook on life.

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