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Ride2Work Day

We recently published an article about the benefits of cycle commuting. Given the improving weather, isn’t it a great idea to be enjoying the outdoors as much as we can?

Well, today is National Ride2Work Day. We’ve already covered how making cycling a part of your day is good for your physical and mental health, but there are further-reaching consequences of swapping out your four wheels for two. The Australian not-for-profit organisation Bicycle Network has instituted the Ride2Work Day campaign, believing that bicycles are the simple and sensible solution to other issues, including:

  • Easing financial pressures
  • Road traffic and congestion
  • Pollution and environment

Advocating for an improvement in these areas, the campaign plays a vital role in promoting cycling as a sustainable mode of transport.

Cycle For the Money

Wouldn’t you love to save on fuel costs, public transport fares and vehicle maintenance? Personally, not having to circle the block searching for a free car spot appeals to me, and have you noticed the rising cost of hourly car park fees?

Ride For the Time

Less cars on the road means significantly lower traffic and congestion. This leads to shorter commute times and improved travel efficiency, improving travel for all road users.

Spin For the Air

Mostly, we love the positive environmental impact of commuting. Cycling is a zero-emissions mode of transport and significantly reduces our carbon footprint. We’re all for breathing better air.

If you’re not involved in Ride2Work Day as an official exercise, you can start your cycle journey at any time and start seeing the benefits roll in.

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