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Running Tips From Clicks

Running is a quick, easy, and relatively inexpensive form of exercise. It’s a great way to get outside and get fit. Benefits include improved mood and sleep, along with increased cardio health and vitamin D exposure. Running offers flexibility and suits most people. You can choose to make it a solo or social activity. You can also run at almost any age and level of fitness. So, whether you’re looking to get started, refine your technique, or stay motivated, we’ve spoken to some Clicksters from our Melbourne team to provide you with our top running tips.

Go slow

The top tip from the team is to go slow. Focus on building up the distance you can cover and get your lungs and muscles used to it. You might even start by walking or doing a combination of running and walking over the set distance. Don’t worry about running fast; focusing on speed too early can result in injuries.

Provide your body with the right fuel

Unless you are running for extended periods or at a high intensity, water is fine for hydration. Ensure you are well hydrated prior to running, drink to thirst and take small sips during and after running. If you plan to run for more than 60 minutes, it might be good to have a pre-run snack. This ensures you have the optimal blood sugar levels to prevent feeling light-headed or hungry. Good post-run options for snacks or light meals include fluids, carbohydrates, and protein.  

Prevent injury

While running provides a whole-body workout, it places more strain on your core and lower body muscles. Runner’s knee, Achilles tendinitis, shin splints, and hamstring injuries are some of the most common. Investing in the right shoes and warming up is essential. These are important as they not only decrease the risk of injury, but also make it easier for your body to run effectively. At Clicks, we’re big on being proactive and believe prevention is better than a cure. That’s why we think it’s a good idea to see your physio to review your running style rather than seeing them once you’ve acquired an injury. This is particularly important if you are training to participate in a marathon or haven’t been running for some time. For the best result, go to a physio who can record your running. They can pinpoint and demonstrate how you can improve your technique and you can see exactly what changes you may need to make.

Stay motivated

Remaining motivated and consistent with your running schedule is one of the biggest challenges – even for the most enthusiastic runners. However, there are many things you can do to stay motivated. Use running apps (such as Couch to 5K Run Trainer) or trackers that allows you to see your progress. Having a great music playlist can also set the scene and get you in the mood for a good run. There are hundreds of playlists available on Spotify so you just need to pick one! Any playlist with Eye of the Tiger is a popular choice at Clicks. While you don’t need fancy running gear to get started, rewarding yourself with new shoes or activewear is another way to keep your interest going.

The final word of advice from our Clicksters is to have a committed mindset. Don’t make running a choice or you’ll find an excuse not to do it. You may want to get your running clothes ready the night before, join a running club to make it fun or have a running buddy to keep you accountable. Identify what helps you break your barriers so you can stick to it.

Thanks to Sophie Thomas (Group Business Services Manager) and our Practice Managers, Fatema Galabhai and Kieran Libbis for sharing their running tips. As always, please let us know if there are any topics you would love us to look into or you have any queries or feedback. You can reach us at

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