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Steps to India…Getting Fit for a Good Cause

This month, Clicks staff, along with our candidates, contractors and clients will be participating in a Steps to India campaign. The purpose of this campaign is to raise funds to support the coronavirus pandemic sweeping across India. Clicks Account Manager, Mel Cooper initiated this campaign after seeing the impact this second wave was having on her colleagues and their families in India. She shares, “There are staff who have family members in hospital while others are dealing with the loss of loved ones. Adding to their distress is not being able to travel to be with their families. I was feeling incredibly helpless about what I could do. After speaking to the team, the Step to India campaign was created as a practical way to provide support.”

What’s involved?

The Steps to India campaign is a collective effort to walk 14 million steps in the month of June to raise $10,347. Why? We estimate it will take 14 million steps to walk the 10, 347 kilometres from Canberra to New Delhi. We’d like to raise one dollar for every kilometre that separates us, to bring us closer together. To help us reach our goal, we’re asking everyone involved to make a donation (or raise funds), commit to getting active, and count their steps. Individuals can walk, run, cycle, swim, or even skate – it’s entirely up to them. The aim is to get moving and reach 14 million steps together.

How participants are stepping up

Mel has set herself a winter walking challenge. She plans to walk into work for four days each week. From this activity alone, she’s set to contribute over 80,000 steps to the collective steps target! Additionally, Mel recognises how tempting it is to draw down the blinds and turn on Netflix on a weekend afternoon – especially as the weather gets cooler (and our Victorian friends reeling from the sudden news of imposed restrictions). That’s why she has challenged her family to take their scooters down to the park each Saturday instead.

Tips to get moving

If you would like to get involved but not sure how you’ll be able to get your steps up, we’ve got some suggestions for you.

  • Turn your Zoom meetings into a walking meeting instead. Grab your phone and head out for a walk. This is a great way for you and the people you are meeting with to have a break from the screen and get some exercise!
  • Commuting to work? Get off a stop earlier to increase the distance you need to walk. Or better yet, walk, run or cycle in.
  • Buddy up and start a walking (or running) club. Having someone else to get fit with, can keep you motivated.
  • Take a brisk walk around the block if you’re feeling low on energy or stuck on a problem. A bit of fresh air and thinking time might be what you need to get unstuck or boost energy levels.

Ensuring donations go where they’re needed

We’ve partnered with CARE Australia to ensure funds raised will get patients hospital beds, oxygen supplies, medication, and the support they need. CARE has been working in India for more than 70 years. Their close working relationships with the local governments uniquely positions them to ensure their response saves as many lives as possible. Two dedicated 100-bed COVID Care Centre have already been set up by CARE to support the government’s response and have already started admitting patients. They are also planning to support a ramp-up of the vaccination program to prevent sharp rises in infection.

Get involved

Mel says, “If you’ve been thinking of getting fit and losing any COVID kilos, this is an excellent motivator. Your support will help save lives.” We’ve worked with CARE to ensure 100% of the proceeds you donate goes to India. If you would like to donate, please use this link. CARE are fully transparent in how they utilise their donations.

If you would like to find out more about Steps to India and how to contribute to our steps target, please contact us via

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