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Tips to Find Your Next Hobby

Variety is the spice of life. There are thousands of different hobbies out there that people from all walks of life enjoy. Having a variety of hobbies has been proven to provide better sleep, less stress, and more happiness!

If you’re ready to find your next passion project, meet new people or gain a new skill, you can find some key tips in this week’s Wellness Matters!

Try a productive activity

Why not combine some fun with something that will improve your life?

Success is defined differently by everyone, however, spending your free time doing something that YOU deem productive will get you closer to achieving your goals!

Life and My Finances recommends trying one hobby that will keep you physically active (i.e. hiking, swimming), one to keep you creative (i.e. cooking, journalling), and one that will make you money (i.e. freelancing, creating content).

Think back to past hobbies

You may have had hobbies in the past that didn’t stand the test of time. Commitments often get in the way – but that doesn’t mean we should give up on activities that we used to enjoy!

Elsie Larson, Creative Director at A Beautiful Mess, also recommends looking back through your past interests. “Were you supposed to go to a trip to Italy a few summers back, and stopped picking up your Italian dictionary after the fact? Did you love taking photos during a past road trip, but haven’t thought of picking up your camera just for fun? If you think back to a few projects you started in the past but then swiftly forgot about, you might have your hobby”.

If you’re still unsure, try out this “hobby-finder” quiz!

Short on time? There are hobbies you can try at home

Do you find the hustle and bustle of everyday life getting in the way? Several commitments and responsibilities already taking up your time?

Don’t let that get in the way of trying something new.

There are a number of hobbies that you can try from home, including painting, learning a new language, or even pottery!

Schedule your week

We schedule many important aspects of our life. Holidays, projects, work deadlines, meetings, why not hobbies?

One week lasts 168 hours. If you combine the average 40-hour workweek, 8 hours of sleep per night, and 6 hours of housework, that still gives you 65-70 hours of free time.

Find a time that works best for you, and the hobbies that you intend to try, and schedule it in. Let nothing else get in the way.

Additionally, a weekend spent doing something fulfilling will help you start the week on a brighter note!

Give it time

It may take some trial and error to find the activity that you really love. It’s okay to give up on something that you’re not enjoying.

If you’re finding that one particular type of activity isn’t working, try another of the popular types of hobby’s:

  • Creative pursuits (painting, drawing, photography etc.)
  • Outdoors (gardening, bird watching, camping)
  • Animals
  • DIY (woodworking, carpentry)
  • Games (cards, chess, checkers)
  • Computers / Technology
  • Physical Activities
  • Culinary Arts
  • Entertainment (movies, concerts, TV)
  • Academic (new languages, taking a course)

Don’t get discouraged if it doesn’t work out, be ready to move on to the next thing on your list!

We hope these tips will help you in finding your next pastime.

Have you got a favourite hobby? Share it with us here!

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