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Track Your Wellness Progress With These Awesome Apps

Keeping track of your progress is one of the most important steps when starting your wellness journey, because if you’re not sure where you’ve started, how will you know how far you’ve come? I know just how hard it can be, as the last thing I wanted to do was weigh myself when I started working out. I knew that it would take a while to see any change.

However, I found that checking in on my health and wellness goals regularly, actually made it easier to see how I was going – even if I took a step back, I was able to make a note of why. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the best apps that you can use to help you track your wellness progress, and smash your goals this year!

The Best Wellness Apps

            Strava – Whether you run or cycle, Strava has the tools for you. Offering an array of different features and options, you can track and manage your previous activities and compare these against your friends. This app is great for all levels of fitness, across both running and cycling. You can even break down your run or cycle into segments, perfect for those who want to see exactly where they lost those extra few seconds.

            Nike + Run Club – Being one of the most popular running apps on the market, the Nike+ Run Club app offers a variety of cool features. These include personalised training programs, training analysis and motivational boosters such as messages of encouragement while you run, and live feedback of your run! It’s a must-try for anyone looking to get serious about their wellness goals.

            SleepCycle – As we get busier (and increasingly time-poor) our sleep is one of the first things to suffer. Maintaining a regular pattern and getting enough sleep is important in both your personal and professional life. Sleep is arguably one of the most important aspects of wellness, especially as we spend on average a third of our lives sleeping. The SleepCycle app doesn’t just track your sleep, it also contains a wealth of sleep related information to help you rest well.

The Best Nutrition Apps

            MyFitnessPal –A handy app and website that helps calculate and monitor the calories you consume. It’s extensive (and constantly updating) database of foods containing almost every product in existence! You are even able to scan barcodes for packet-to-phone nutritional information, which is perfect for keeping an accurate record of your diet. The best part about My Fitness Pal is that you can use it to stay in touch with friends for the additional support through your wellness journey.

            Weight Watchers – Similar to the Weight Watchers community, the app allows you to still access everything that Weight Watchers offer. If you’re up for a little friendly competition, you can also sync the app with a fitness tracker to convert your daily steps into FitPoints, the Weight Watchers way of measuring activity. Similar to My Fitness Pal, you can track both food and physical activity in one spot, making it easy to manage your progress – with three membership options; Digital, Workshops and Personal Coaching.

            LifeSum – Ease of use is an important factor when considering a wellness app, although this app like Weight Watchers isn’t free, it provides a user friendly interface with tons of features, tools and tips to help you reach your wellness goals. This includes personalised diet plans, habit trackers, barcode scanners and a recipe collection that would make any cook book jealous. If you’re looking for an affordable, easy to use wellness tracker, this is definitely one to try.

I am making a commitment to jump back onto my favourite app My Fitness Pal to measure my progress this year. But any way you can help track your progress, stay accountable to your diet and also to share with your friends or your health and wellness professionals will be a huge asset to your journey.

We’d love to hear about how you stay on track with your wellness goals and monitor your progress. If you have any other app recommendations please get in touch with us via email.

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