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Reflecting on Remote Work – Embracing the Positive Habits and Breaking the Bad Ones

As we look back on the past few years of remote work, it’s clear that this trend is here to stay. We’ve adapted to this virtual world, and along the way, we’ve developed both good and bad habits.

Maintaining wellness as remote workers is crucial, so let’s explore the good habits we should continue to reinforce, and the bad habits that we should look to break!

Establishing a Routine and Boundaries

One of the most effective strategies we’ve learned is the importance of a consistent routine and well-defined boundaries. We’ve found that setting regular working hours and sticking to them creates structure and fosters a healthy work-life balance. Allocating specific time slots for breaks, meals, exercise, and personal activities has proven beneficial for managing time effectively. By adhering to a routine, there’s increased predictability in our lives, allowing us to better manage our work and personal responsibilities.

Technology Overload

Remote work heavily relies on technology, and it’s easy to fall into the trap of constant connectivity. Endless notifications, back-to-back virtual meetings, and excessive screen time can take a toll on our mental health and productivity. Setting limits on technology usage, practicing digital detoxes, and creating tech-free zones or times can help us regain a healthier relationship with technology.

Creating a Productive and Comfortable Workspace

We’ve come to appreciate the importance of a dedicated and well-designed workspace! Creating an area that is comfortable, free from clutter, and devoid of distractions has been instrumental in optimising work performance. Ergonomic furniture, proper lighting and organised supplies can help to enhance focus and productivity.

Sedentary Lifestyle

Working remotely often involves spending extended periods sitting at our desks or in front of screens – this sedentary lifestyle can have detrimental effects on our physical health and mental well-being. It’s crucial to incorporate regular movement, exercise, and breaks into our daily routines to counteract the negative impacts associated with prolonged sitting.

Prioritising Self-Care and Wellbeing

We’ve embraced the importance of self-care as a non-negotiable aspect of our routine as remote workers. Engaging in activities or hobbies that foster physical, mental, and emotional well-being has become a priority. Regular exercise has been instrumental in boosting our energy levels and reducing stress over the long term!

We’ve also recognised the significance of mindful eating – planning and preparing healthy meals and snacks can support energy and focus throughout the day.

Furthermore, quality sleep has emerged as a must-have amongst the team. Establishing a bedtime routine and creating a sleep-friendly environment in our homes have allowed us to prioritise sufficient and restful sleep. We’ve explored techniques to naturally increase melatonin levels for better sleep in a previous Wellness blog, be sure to check it out if you’re interested in learning more!

Let’s celebrate the positive habits we’ve developed as remote workers and commit to reinforcing them. As the remote work landscape continues to evolve, it’s important to stay open to new approaches, strategies, and technologies that can enhance your wellness and productivity. With a little bit of effort, you can create a fulfilling and wellness-driven remote work experience for the years to come!

If there is a new wellness topic you would like to see us discuss, or you have any feedback, let us know!

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