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Clicks is the First Choice for Nine out of Ten Clients

For the 13th consecutive Client Satisfaction Survey, over 90% of Clicks’ clients have said they are confident in our ability to meet their recruitment requirements and expectations. This figure has not fallen below 90% in the six years that we’ve conducted our bi-annual survey.

Similarly, over 90% of our clients told us that they were happy with the level of contact and information our team provided during the course of their recruitment process.

We were delighted with some of the touching feedback we received:

“Allyson has been very responsive and understood clearly the nature of the requests.”

“Vicky took the initiative to clearly understand our specific technical requirements.  Consequently, the candidate submitted suited the role perfectly.”

“Dee is exceptional at understanding my briefs, taking immediate action and responding very swiftly.”

“Clicks were very responsive and understood my requirements.”

We are also thrilled to share that, of the clients who are at liberty to choose a recruiter, 90% will call Clicks first when they have a vacancy. This is the highest result we’ve achieved since the survey’s inception, and is a testament to Clicks’ commitment to continuous improvement.

Ben Wood, Clicks’ Managing Director, was pleased with these results: “To achieve over 90% satisfaction from our clients for thirteen successive surveys is a testament to our team’s hard work. I’m delighted that we’ve maintained this level of consistency, and that we are the first choice for nine out of ten clients.”

Clicks looks forward to sharing the full results of this and other surveys with you shortly, and we are committed to using the feedback received to continue improving the way we do business with our clients.

To view the full range of Clicks’ market-leading reports and surveys, please visit our Market Reports page.

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