When hiring, it makes sense to focus on the task at hand. But the reality is, if you are hiring for specific skills, like IT, you are competing against other companies to attract candidates from a limited tech talent pool.
There are currently 772 jobs listed for Senior Developers in Melbourne. This number would be higher if you included remote opportunities or those listed on LinkedIn, agency or company websites, and other job boards.
Even if you only look for candidates with Java expertise, you are still competing with 131 companies on SEEK alone. That’s why it is vital for your job ad to stand out if you want the best candidates to apply for your position.
To help you create a compelling job ad we’ve put together seven top tips.
1. Target the right audience
Creating the perfect job ad starts with getting the position title right – it’s what candidates notice first. If the role title makes sense and aligns with their skills and experience, candidates are more likely to click on your job ad to learn more. A common mistake employers make is to use internal position titles that don’t make sense to most candidates outside the organisation.
Including an ‘About You’ section in your job ad is also a great way to target your ideal person. For example, you’re an effective collaborator with a passionate for creating high-quality software solutions. You love learning, staying up to date with the latest technologies and industry best practice, and can communicate technical concepts simply.
2. Sell the role
You need to sell the role to encourage candidates to invest the time and effort to apply to your position. For example, describe your employee benefits program, flexible work opportunities, development, training, and career progression opportunities. Our Workforce Insights report indicate IT professionals value work-life balance. Remember to promote the work as well. For example, the chance to work in a greenfield environment and a large transformation project can appeal to candidates too.
3. Make it easy to read
The perfect job ad is clear and concise. Use bullet points to break up large blocks of text and make it easy for candidates to scan the job requirements.
When it comes to the job description, include critical details such as the role’s responsibilities, required qualifications, and any necessary skills or experience. Avoid a long wish list of requirements or using jargon or internal terms that may only be understood by some candidates.
4. Include salary information
Money is a key part of their decision-making process when candidates consider new opportunities. Including a salary range ensures you don’t get to the end of the hiring process and realise expectations don’t match up. If you can’t specify the exact figures, consider referencing things such as ‘above market salary’, ‘attractive bonus structure’, or ‘salary sacrifice benefits’.

Source: Clicks’ 2022-23 IT Workforce Insights Report
5. Provide candidates with a preview
Let candidates know what it’s like to work at your company and what sets you apart from others in your industry. Consider embedding a video in your job ad that showcases your company culture. Videos highlighting ‘a day in the life’ can help candidates imagine themselves working with your organisation and is a worthwhile investment for roles you recruit often. Additionally, you should showcase company initiatives relating to diversity, social and environmental impact, and corporate social responsibility.
6. Use inclusive language
Another important aspect of crafting the perfect job ad is using inclusive language. Avoid using gendered language or any terminology that may exclude certain groups of people. Including an effective equal employment opportunity (EEO) statement is a great way to attract candidates and create a more welcoming environment for all.
7. Make it easy to apply
Finally, ensure your job ad makes it easy for candidates to apply. Avoid lengthy screening questions and provide clear instructions on how to apply, including any necessary documents such as a resume or cover letter. Consider using an online application system to make the process more streamlined and efficient.
Crafting the perfect job ad takes time and effort, but attracting top talent to your organisation pays off in the long run. By following these tips, you can create a compelling job ad that highlights your company culture, sells the benefits of the role, and attracts the best candidates.
Clicks is an award-winning IT recruitment specialist. With offices in Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra, and Brisbane, we connect companies with great IT professionals across Australia each day! Get in touch if you require support crafting a job ad or with your hiring needs.

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