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Clicks’ 2022 Contractor Feedback Survey Achieves 10-year Highs

This year marks ten years since Clicks has been surveying our IT contractors about our Contractor Care service. We are delighted to celebrate this milestone with some of our best results. 97% shared they were more than satisfied with Clicks. 94% of those surveyed would recommend Clicks to a family or friend. Additionally, 8 out of 10 people rated the support provided by our team as ‘Very Good’ or ‘Excellent’.

These results highlight the efforts of our fantastic Contractor Care team and the outstanding service they provide. Rachel Fancoli, Clicks’ National Contractor Care Manager, has been with Clicks for over a decade. She says, “Over the years, our Contractor Care program has gone from strength to strength. I am delighted by these results and our continued support of our contractor workforce.”

The Clicks Team have been very helpful over the time I have been with them. Keep up the good work team!” – Adrian

Of the people placed within the last six months, 92% shared that we did a ‘Very Good’ or ‘Excellent’ job representing the opportunity to them. We are particularly pleased that 74% gave us an ‘Excellent’ rating. The results demonstrate how we live our value – Care. The results also highlight our knowledge of our clients and the roles we have recruited on their behalf. 

“My recruitment experience was warm, supportive, and follow-up fantastic. I appreciate the Consultant who went in to bat for me with the role in the first instance, and the follow-up since. I’ve had barely any reason to contact Clicks. Payments always been on time, contract renewal was prompt and the one issue/request I asked Clicks to liaise with the client about was resolved in timely fashion with the desired outcome. Everything I need from the group!”

Clicks’ focus on continuous improvement means we take feedback and suggestions seriously. For example, following feedback from our annual contractor survey and exit interviews, Clicks implemented an automated program targeted at contractors whose assignments had ended. Our database flags their record to ensure they receive regular contact from Clicks and increased assistance in securing their next assignment. In addition, following contractors’ requests to receive regular updates about the employment market, we developed a fortnightly email newsletter. We also established dedicated job seeker advice and market insights resources on our website.

“Clicks contractor care is best of all the agencies I’ve worked with.” – Michael

A big congratulations and thank you to our dedicated Contractor Care Team!  –  you are true CLICKSTARS!

Clicks Contractor Care Program

We pride ourselves on having Australia’s first and best contractor care program. As part of our award-winning program, we invest in the best systems to ensure on-time payments and provide a concierge service for all queries, contact, and feedback. We also focus on health and well-being and celebrate contractors’ contributions to IT teams with an annual Contractor of the Year Award.

Clicks is an IT recruitment specialist. As Australia’s favourite recruiters, we help candidates in Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, and Sydney find great opportunities each day.

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