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Sauna Sessions – Heat Your Way to Health

They say don’t sweat the small stuff. As someone who has recently bought an at-home infrared sauna, I’m here to tell you – you should sweat the small stuff, the big stuff and all the stuff in between. My friend recently made a well-meaning crack in my direction, “How can you tell Bernadette recently bought…

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Benefits of a Pet-Friendly Workplace

The Goodest Workmates Australia has one of the highest rates of pet ownership, with almost 70 per cent of households including a pet as part of the family. Almost half of these pets are dogs. The potential for pets to boost a person’s mood and wellbeing has been well-documented. Having dogs in the workplace can…

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How To Realistically Do a Digital Detox

We are so connected. In this day and age, everything is stored in your phone. You can order anything you need online and being social while sitting alone is easier than ever before. To simply put your phone away and not engage with it is not really a practical answer to spending less time on…

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February 29, 2024

How to find your next job opportunity

A quick survey of my team revealed that job boards are not the most common way they’ve found work. Yet job boards are still where many job seekers focus their time and energy. There is still a place for job boards, but I want to show you there are many other effective ways to land great roles, fast!
So, if you are on the market looking for your next opportunity, I’ll show you smarter ways to find your next job. From leveraging technology to building human connection and networking, there’s 10 alternative ways you can find your next job.

February 28, 2024

Why Work Friends Make Work Work

While it’s quite common to maintain that you’re not necessarily at work to make friends and you are primarily employed to perform your role, quite often the difference between staying and being happy at your job directly correlates to the people you share your day with and the culture of the workplace. Whether it is…

February 20, 2024

Wellness is a Laughing Matter

Giggles are great. And healthy. Encouraging laughter in your day is an important way to boost physical health, mental wellbeing and build a rapport with your co-workers. Chortle Your Way to Physical Health Ever found something side-splittingly funny? That’s because laughing can give your core muscles a decent workout. The rapid expansion and contraction of…

February 13, 2024

Strengthen Your Mental Resilience

The last few years have seen so much unexpected change. Some things have returned to how they once were. Some aspects of our lives are a thing of the past, and will remain there. Although some of these changes are welcome, any transformation takes a bit of getting used to. We’ve all experienced changes to…

February 12, 2024

The Best Questions You Should Ask in a Job Interview

Interviewee or Interviewer – in a Successful Interview, Both Interviews give employers the opportunity to scout for clues about your interest in the role and insights into how you think. Being prepared with well-considered and thoughtful questions will make you stand out and ultimately, land the right job for you. Not having any questions to…

February 8, 2024

Avoid These Hiring Hazards and Recruit Like a Boss

When a role becomes vacant in an organisation, it often becomes a scramble to fill it within a period-of-notice timeframe. This usually means rolling out existing processes (including repurposing old job ads and position descriptions) in an effort to expedite hiring a like-for-like replacement. The role is quickly published on a job board and hiring…



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