How To Beat The Cold
We are well and truly into winter – almost halfway through in fact! This also means the season of coughs and colds (pandemic notwithstanding). So how do you boost your immunity to avoid the bugs, or what’s the best way to get rid of them if you have already succumbed?
Good Health Begins With H2O
Water for the Win When doing your best to maintain a healthy balanced diet, a key, and often overlooked part of what we consume is what and how much we drink. Why Hydration is Important Water accounts for about 50-80% of our body composition, depending on lean body mass. It is found in our organs,…
Incidental Exercise
Exercise doesn’t always mean squeezing into compression gear and nifty, ultra-light, gel-filled $350 runners and sweating it out at your local gym or running track. Instead, getting more movement in your already busy day by making simple choices can be a practical way to increase your fitness. Finding Ways to Move Your Body If you…
Keep Your Energy and Spirits High after the Festive Season
Do you feel like you need a holiday after your holiday? Australia has a unique way of spending the season, compared to our northern hemisphere counterparts; summer holidays and festive obligations all rolled into one. Whenever anyone asks me how I enjoyed my break, I answer honestly, “too much food, too much family.” I mean,…
Recharge Ahead of the Silly Season
It’s that time of year again. Heading into the silly season, our social commitments are rapidly increasing and the things we need to do before the year’s end start to become more urgent. Instead of allowing the silliness of the season to consume all of your energy, you should prioritise time to recharge so so…
World Kindness Day
November 13th is World Kindness Day. Initiated in 1998 by The World Kindness Movement, it is a day that is observed internationally to highlight and good deeds in the community. Encouraging positive actions and acts of kindness plays an important part in forging unity, empathy and social harmony. We don’t need paragraphs to explain why…
Health Flex – Why Yoga Is It
What do LeBron James, David Beckham and Beyoncé all have in common? They are all top of their game, but they also, along with many of elite sports stars and celebrities, regularly practice yoga. Yoga became a fixture of NBA player fitness, publicly credited by LeBron for helping with his endurance on the court. Many…
Ride2Work Day
We recently published an article about the benefits of cycle commuting. Given the improving weather, isn’t it a great idea to be enjoying the outdoors as much as we can? Well, today is National Ride2Work Day. We’ve already covered how making cycling a part of your day is good for your physical and mental health,…
October is Mental Health Month
It’s October…already! And while this might cause a little flutter of where does the time go, the fact remains that time is not going any faster, we’re just not paying attention to the moments that whoosh past us daily.
A Healthy Approach to a Healthy Diet
Healthy eating and healthy diets have always been a popular, if contentious topic. In today’s age of information overload, never has the concept had so many interpretations. Many of us have been around long enough to have heard so many differing opinions and conflicting advice, that we’re often questioning what a healthy diet is, anyway….
A Little More Time in the Day
It’s official – the days are getting longer. About two minutes per day to be exact. The winter solstice has been and gone, and we got through the End of Financial Year. We are now getting around Q3, and the sweet smell of spring is in the air. So, now seems a great time to…
Cycle Commuting – A Virtuous Circle
Spring is just around the corner. We can already see the sun peeking out for longer, giving us the right setting to enjoy being outdoors a bit more. As winter draws to a close, you can reflect on the shuffle to and from work. Perhaps yours was a trip along the ‘influenza express’ on your…
Enter The Dragon Boat
Nicole Guala’s Water Sports Activities As we continue to look at what wellness means, in all its forms, we turn the spotlight on our own Principal Consultant in Victoria, Nicole Guala. When she’s not peddling the skills and talents of candidates, you can find her on the water, paddling a dragon boat. Dragon boating is…
Is Hump Day a Thing?
It’s mostly simply just Wednesday, we call it Wellness Day, but often, referred to as Hump Day. proffers: hump day or Hump Day [ huhmp dey ]Phonetic (Standard)IPA noun, Informal.1. Wednesday, the halfway point in a typical work week: If business is slow midweek, try offering half-price drinks on hump day. So, I guess the feeling is, if you…
Between Wellness and the Deep Blue Sea
Dee Pollett’s Sailing Adventures Wellness takes many forms and it’s different for all of us. The concept of wellbeing is influenced by your own priorities and what makes you feel whole, or balanced, or fulfilled. This can include activities that you enjoy and that centre you, or giving your time to others and sharing experiences…
How’s Your Sleep Health?
Often we pay attention to how much sleep we’re getting and gauge a good night’s sleep on whether we got full night’s rest or didn’t sleep quite enough. But have you ever paid any attention to how you sleep? Are your pre-sleep practices preparing you for a night of slumber? Do you wake up feeling…
Is It Clean, Clean?
Things You Should Clean Regularly, But Probably Don’t Spring is known to be a time for cleaning after the long, dark months rugged up indoors. In truth, it’s perhaps a bit late. As we get into winter and spend more time indoors, it’s probably best to shift that concept forward and give your home or…
Tips To Improve Your Work Day
Looking back, we have covered a great range of topics about keeping fit and staying healthy. But wellness isn’t all salads and strides, is it? Wellness is simply being well. And being well can simply mean not being unwell, feeling ok to get through your day and maintaining a balance within your life that keeps…
Winter Workouts
Winter is here. And even if the temperature doesn’t dip to where your fingers feel like they’re going to snap off where you are, the weather certainly does change. There is a direct correlation between the declining average temperature and the level of motivation to exercise for most. Let’s face it; winter is a pretty…
Health and Career Boosting Hobbies
“So, what do you do outside of work?” This a pretty stock standard question you’re likely to be asked in a few scenarios. It is often asked in job interviews, when you’re meeting people for the first time, or even on a first date. In an interview it’s a sign that things are going well….
Wanderlust & Wonder
When Was Your Last Holiday? I was lucky enough to spend a week in Bali at the start of this year. It was a real of-the-moment decision. I had taken some time off in between jobs (just before starting my time here at Clicks) over Christmas and New Year. It was the longest stretch of…
Mum’s the Word
This Sunday is Mother’s Day. This day means different things to different people, but to most it means honouring the person who put you before everyone else, including (and especially) herself, for much of her life. That person may be mum, stepmum, grandma or older sister, in some cases. If you are a mum, it…
Body Check: What To Know About Tech Neck
You’re reading this from a screen right now, either from your phone or a computer screen. Pause. What is your neck doing? Is your head looking down at a device or are you reaching your head a little too forward to read your screen? Pay attention to your neck, your shoulders and your head –…
Gratitude is Great
Today the Operations team sat together in our weekly catch-up meeting. It’s an opportunity for us to share our work wins and personal highlights. It’s an important gathering that keeps us connected with the work we’re doing and goings on in our lives. At the end, we seek to close each meeting with some words…
Hit The Books – Why Reading Is Good For You
I know, we read every day. Emails, captions, screens, signs. When was the last time you read a book? This simple activity seems to have fallen by the wayside, and like most wellness issues we address in the modern world, technology seems to play a big part in why it is so. My Story For…
Mind Your Mind
Are you Paying Attention to What You’re Paying Attention To? Do you find yourself on auto-pilot most times? Days, weeks, just whoosh by and you’ve done things, but what have you done? Can’t remember? Me too. I’m not certain that it’s that those things weren’t important, it’s just hard for them to shout and be…
The Beauty of Balance
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” Albert Einstein, 1930 They say the key to happiness is balance. We’ve already discovered that work-life balance is an essential part of enjoying your work whilst feeling fulfilled, and an important consideration when weighing up job offers. Overall, we know that…
Tips For a Healthy Easter
Can You Go a Sugarless or Less Sugar Easter? Doesn’t Summer just fly by? You gear up for Christmas and then I find myself spending days thereafter feasting on leftover cold meat (and cold beers). Through a blur of carbs, sun and sleep ins, I somehow manage to make some promises to myself in the…
Sauna Sessions – Heat Your Way to Health
They say don’t sweat the small stuff. As someone who has recently bought an at-home infrared sauna, I’m here to tell you – you should sweat the small stuff, the big stuff and all the stuff in between. My friend recently made a well-meaning crack in my direction, “How can you tell Bernadette recently bought…
Benefits of a Pet-Friendly Workplace
The Goodest Workmates Australia has one of the highest rates of pet ownership, with almost 70 per cent of households including a pet as part of the family. Almost half of these pets are dogs. The potential for pets to boost a person’s mood and wellbeing has been well-documented. Having dogs in the workplace can…
How To Realistically Do a Digital Detox
We are so connected. In this day and age, everything is stored in your phone. You can order anything you need online and being social while sitting alone is easier than ever before. To simply put your phone away and not engage with it is not really a practical answer to spending less time on…
Why Work Friends Make Work Work
While it’s quite common to maintain that you’re not necessarily at work to make friends and you are primarily employed to perform your role, quite often the difference between staying and being happy at your job directly correlates to the people you share your day with and the culture of the workplace. Whether it is…
Wellness is a Laughing Matter
Giggles are great. And healthy. Encouraging laughter in your day is an important way to boost physical health, mental wellbeing and build a rapport with your co-workers. Chortle Your Way to Physical Health Ever found something side-splittingly funny? That’s because laughing can give your core muscles a decent workout. The rapid expansion and contraction of…
Strengthen Your Mental Resilience
The last few years have seen so much unexpected change. Some things have returned to how they once were. Some aspects of our lives are a thing of the past, and will remain there. Although some of these changes are welcome, any transformation takes a bit of getting used to. We’ve all experienced changes to…
Desktop Dining – A Trend That Should End
Ah, office days are pretty much back – for most. While it is nice to experience the newness of each different day, smattered with incidental novelties like a funny train announcement, or a chance meeting with an old friend on the commute, there is one aspect of the 9(ish) to 5(ish) that really should retire….
Are You Tired Of Being Tired? 7 Types Of Rest That Aren’t Sleep
Do you go to bed tired? Wake up tired? Are you count-the-minutes-until-your-coffee-break tired? Confused-because-you-get-8-hours-of-sleep-tired? You may be getting enough sleep, but you might be missing a whole bunch of rest. Sleep and rest are not the same thing and according to Saundra Dalton-Smith MD, there are 7 types of rest that we need in order…
January Joy – 7 Tips To Get You Back To Work With A Spring In Your Step
The year is already underway and the supermarkets had replaced tinsel with variously flavoured spiced fruit buns weeks ago. Perhaps you took some well-earned time off over the summer or you worked through, enjoying only the main public holidays; in either case, the period between mid-December and mid-January brings about a definite lull in the…
Make 2024 Your Best Year Yet
While new year’s resolutions might only last as long as the time it took to make them, setting achievable goals and intentions to be the best version of yourself at the beginning of a new year is a great place to start. And, who doesn’t want to keep being the very best they can be?…
Your Hassle-Free Xmas Shopping Guide
If you haven’t started your Christmas shopping yet, there is no need to panic. We’ve got you covered with gift ideas that your family and friends will love, and make your shopping experience a breeze! Ideas The biggest challenge with gifting is often coming up with an idea of what to get! Here’s a suggestion…
Summer Park Games
Summer is approaching and what better way to spend it than in the park with family and friends. Basking in the sunshine on a warm summer’s day has many benefits provided it’s done safely. We’ll share some fun park games from around the world that will help create great summer memories. Croquet Hailing from France,…
6 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Energy Levels
Do you sometimes lack motivation or energy when completing daily tasks? You’re not alone. Many of us find ourselves reaching for a cup of coffee (or two) to make it to lunch. Thankfully, there are plenty of natural methods that you can use to boost your energy levels, including eating specific foods, reducing stress and…
Tips to Find Your Next Hobby
Variety is the spice of life. There are thousands of different hobbies out there that people from all walks of life enjoy. Having a variety of hobbies has been proven to provide better sleep, less stress, and more happiness! If you’re ready to find your next passion project, meet new people or gain a new…
How to Build a Morning Ritual
Have you noticed your morning routine slipping away recently? While I am definitely not a morning person, I do normally take pride in being productive and organised. I find the snooze button is getting a lot more action lately! And when that happens, usually I find that I end up having a less-considered breakfast and…
How To Recover From Injury
It’s easy to feel low when you’re stuck at home nursing an injury. But that’s the last thing you want to be doing! Apart from impacting your health and well-being, a low mood will slow down your recovery. The temptation to lie around and watch Netflix is real. But it’s important to understand the importance…
Exercise For The Mind
The benefits of physical activity on your mind and body One of the best ways to improve your mental health is by building a routine of regular exercise. It’s helped me greatly during some of the more stressful points in my life, and I believe staying fit is equally important for both body and mind….
Bedtime Rituals
Arianna Huffington, founder of Thrive Global and author of The Sleep Revolution, believes the secret to succeeding is to get more sleep. As we’ve written about previously in How to Get a Better Night’s Sleep, bedtime rituals are particularly helpful in training your mind and body to get ready to sleep. Arianna’s bedtime routine consists…
Simple Ways to Increase Your Happiness
Health and happiness are two things that we all strive for. While happiness can come from many different places, and means something distinct to each of us, we can all agree that contentment is a key ingredient in a well-lived life. In this week’s Wellness Matters, we’ve provided some simple suggestions to help you spark…
One Simple Step You Can Take To Significantly Improve Your Mood
Whether you are feeling upset, angry, sluggish or down – getting outside and going for a walk is an easy and effective way to lift your mood!
The 5 Amazing Benefits of Keeping Houseplants in Your Home
We all know someone that has a few too many houseplants in their home, it can sometimes feel like walking into a tropical rainforest. There are actually several positive benefits of keeping houseplants in your home that are directly backed by science. These benefits can include improved sleep, purified air, improved productivity and even reduced…
How to Start a Vegetable Garden
Is there anything better than eating fresh vegetables that you’ve grown yourself? Studies have shown that gardening builds strength, promotes sleep, and helps you maintain a healthy weight. Starting a veggie patch is actually quite straightforward! Even if you’re limited on space, time, or budget, there are numerous tips and workarounds that you can take…
Five Tips to Help You Achieve Minimalism
The past few years have given rise to the practice of compulsive online shopping. Many of our homes are now filled with a range of items purchased from a place of boredom. One counter to a lifestyle of excess is minimalism. “A minimalist intentionally focuses on what really matters” Minimalism is a movement gaining popularity…
Why Retail Therapy Makes Us Feel Good and How to Do It Better
I’m the first to put my hand up to say that I have engaged in retail therapy. There are many reasons why retail therapy works. Shopping lifts our mood by activating dopamine which creates feelings of pleasure and reward. You don’t even have to make a purchase. The act of browsing (or adding to cart)…
Why Being Kind is Good for You
Studies have shown the positive effects of being kind includes improved mood, increased happiness and calmness as well as many positive health benefits.
Tips to Avoid Neck Pain
Chronic neck pain is highly prevalent among office workers today. Neck pain can last from days, to years, depending on the root issue. Common causes include poor posture, muscle strain and worn joints. What many don’t know is that there are simple, feasible steps to manage and improve your neck pain. In this week’s Wellness…
Take a Walk on The Bright Side
There are a number of reasons to get into the sun. While it can be challenging during winter, it’s absolutely worth getting out there and soaking up some golden rays when possible. If you or your loved ones need further convincing, we’ve got you covered. Below are some of the benefits and tips for getting…
All Snore and No Sleep
A study revealed that only 45% of Australian adults are satisfied with their sleep, with snoring purported to play a large part in that. Frequent, loud snoring is reported by 24% of men and 17% of women in Australia, and among those, 63% reported awakening feeling unrefreshed, and 65% reported one or more daytime sleep-related…
Reflecting on Remote Work – Embracing the Positive Habits and Breaking the Bad Ones
As we look back on the past few years of remote work, it’s clear that this trend is here to stay. We’ve adapted to this virtual world, and along the way, we’ve developed both good and bad habits. Maintaining wellness as remote workers is crucial, so let’s explore the good habits we should continue to…
3 Easy Ways to Increase Your Daily Water Intake
“You need to drink more water”. We hear it everywhere we go. Drinking enough water each day can be challenging. How many people do you know who drink their daily recommended intake? Maybe a handful? The recommended daily water intake is roughly 2-3 litres for adults. We’ve written about how to drink more water before…
Step by Step: Reaching 10,000 Steps a Day
Cracking 10,000 steps per day can be a real struggle! However, when you look at the benefits it’s hard not to get up from your desk and take a stroll around the block, or walk a few extra flights of stairs in the morning! Here’s how to start!
Understanding Blue Light and Its Effects
Screens have become a necessity in our work and social lives over the past several years. More screen time means significantly higher blue light exposure. Associated symptoms are increased eye strain and sleep disruption. Is blue light truly the cause? We’ve delved deep into the topic of blue light, including potential dangers, the viability of…
Simplifying Your Next Grocery Shop – Decoding Food labels
The typical trip to the supermarket has grown increasingly difficult over the years, with the abundance of choice, point of sale advertising as well as confusing food labels that can create a headache when trying to buy the right foods. It’s tricky trying to calculate your requirements through the nutrition labels (what even is a…
4 Tips to Recover Well After Exercise
The health benefits of regular exercise and physical activity are well-known. Having a good understanding and approach to recovery will help to keep you moving towards your fitness and health goals. So whether you’re finishing up an intense run, cycle or an indoor sweat session on the yoga mat, here are 4 tips for post-workout…
Five Alternatives to Coffee
Is there truly an alternative that offers the same great taste and benefits as our morning lattes? Whether you are looking to spice up your coffee routine or replace it with a healthier option, we’ve got five great alternatives to coffee for you.
Finding a Balance With Social Media
If you’re anything like me, social media has been a bit of an escape for you over the last couple of years. Getting a fix was the last thing I would do before I went to sleep and the first thing I did when I woke up. Whenever I had a moment not filled with…
Benefits of Learning a Second Language
Hola, bonjour, konnichiwa! Learning a second language is a fantastic way to challenge yourself, expand your horizons, and immerse yourself in new cultures. Not only is it a fun and fascinating experience, but it also comes with a plethora of benefits that can help to enhance your personal and professional life. Whether you’re a recruiter…
Tips for Adopting a Dog!
Adopting a dog can be a truly fulfilling experience, especially if you are a first-time pet owner. However, it is important to understand the responsibilities that come with being a dog owner. In this week’s Wellness Matters, we’ve collated some tips to help you have a positive experience when adopting your pup! 1. Choose the…
Staying Healthy During Ramadan
Ramadan starts soon, so we caught up with our Victorian State Manager, Fatema Galabhai, to discuss the 30 days of fasting ahead and some of the best ways to keep healthy throughout this period! Can you let us know a bit about your history with Ramadan? Being born into a Muslim family, I have always…
5 Healthy Hobbies That Help Your Career
“So what do you do for fun outside of work?” It’s a pretty stock standard question that you’re likely to get in a job interview. Interviewers ask you this question because they want to know about you as a person and how you’ll fit in culturally. Your hobbies say a lot about you, and can…
Tips for Adopting a Cat!
Cats make wonderful companions, and adopting a feline friend can be a great addition to your family. However, before you rush out to adopt a cat, there are a few things you should consider to ensure that you are ready for the responsibility and that you choose the right cat for you. In this week’s…
Running Tips From Clicks
Running is a quick, easy, and relatively inexpensive form of exercise. It’s a great way to get outside and get fit. So, whether you’re looking to get started, refine your technique, or stay motivated, we’ve spoken to some Clicksters from our Melbourne team to provide you with our top running tips.
A Beginners Guide to Composting
To help reduce the volume of waste produced by your household, you can start a compost pile! Compost is a soil-like mixture of organic matter and a lively set of microbes that help the decomposition process. Typically made up of yard trimmings, food waste and mulch, compost will drastically improve the health of your plants…
Track Your Wellness Progress With These Awesome Apps
Keeping track of your progress is one of the most important steps when starting your wellness journey, because if you’re not sure where you’ve started, how will you know how far you’ve come? I know just how hard it can be, as the last thing I wanted to do was weigh myself when I started…
Brain Power Foods to Eat Before a Busy Day
Deadlines creeping up? Some days, there’s no room for a slow brain or anything less than peak performance. Luckily, there are ways to increase cognitive functioning. In this week’s Wellness Matters, we’ve gathered a list of great food options to give your brain the boost it needs. Fatty Fish We’ve spoken before about omega-3 fatty…
Coffee, Coffee, Coffee… How Much is Too Much?
Like many people, coffee holds a special and essential place in my morning routine. A nice warm cup of coffee is the perfect bribe to get me out of bed. While two cups per day will usually be enough for me, working from home has meant that I tend to indulge in an extra one…
How I Regained a Passion for Reading
Many of us today find we spend too much time using technology. With phones, laptops, Netflix and consoles constantly within reach, a break certainly wouldn’t go amiss. I loved reading when I was a kid. I finished all the Harry Potter, Eragon and Hunger Games books, yet somewhere along the way I lost this passion…
Wellness Matters in 2022
We can’t believe how quickly the year has flown by! At Clicks, we believe wellness matters, wellbeing was a key internal theme in 2022. As we reach the end of the year, it’s nice to be able to shift the focus to recharging our batteries and preparing for 2023. Let’s take a look back on…
Our Commitment to E-waste Sustainability
Rising levels of e-waste is a major issue facing our environment today. The chemicals present can cause serious harm to our soil, water, and health. E-waste is classified as electronic products (i.e. phones, computers, TVs, printers) that are at the end of their useful life. 88% of the 4 million computers and 3 million TV’s…
The Greatest Gift of All This Christmas
As we round out the year, we’re all getting ready to kick back and enjoy our well-deserved break. However, as we celebrate, we also need to remember the true meaning of Christmas, ‘giving’, by helping those in need within our communities. Often overlooked during the holiday period, access to blood becomes increasingly sparse. And unfortunately,…
How Great Are Pets?!
Not only do pets make us happy and give us something to look forward to, they can also help to promote stability, provide companionship and reduce stress. In this week’s Wellness Matters, we explored some of the mental health benefits our pets give us every day. We couldn’t pass up the opportunity to show off…
Getting Back to Nature
Being in nature can have a number of benefits for your physical and mental health, including reducing stress and increasing happiness. As we head into the warmer Australian months, consider setting aside some time to get outdoors. Your mind and body will thank you! In this week’s Wellness Matters, we’ve explored some positives that are…
Ditching the Digital to Get Hands-On
It has been quite easy to slip into a lazy spiral of gaming and binge watching movies and TV shows while we’re mostly stuck indoors. Sometimes we need to pull ourselves away from the digital and try something different, stimulate our brains and try something hands-on.
Harnessing the Power of Positive Messages
This Thursday (8th of September) is R U Ok day, a national day of action to start conversations with those around us who may be struggling. In keeping with the theme of mental health, I wanted to share my experience of how positives messages have helped me. It started when I texted a friend after…
Why is Optical Health Important?
Ask An Expert: Optical Dispenser & Technician For this edition of our ‘Ask the Expert’ series, we spoke to Jason Smith, a qualified Optical Dispenser and Technician on the importance of optical health. “Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others” – Jonathan Swift. Eyesight is perhaps something many of us take…
How to Naturally Increase Your Melatonin Levels to Get a Better Night’s Sleep
Melatonin is a hormone that our body naturally produces. It helps us fall asleep quickly and wake up less frequently so we can have a restful night sleep. A simple yet effective way to increase melatonin production, to help you sleep, is to dim your lights at least one hour before bedtime.
Staying Well as the Seasons Change
It’s that time of year, when we’re starting to have fewer sunny days and we begin preparing for the winter ahead. As Autumn is drawing to a close and the seasons begin to change, we often find ourselves trying to keep up our social and work schedule from the warmer months. Scientific research has indicated…
Continuing to Support Local Businesses
Over the past few years, it has become increasingly difficult to support our local businesses. Some might have been forced to close or reduce hours. We’ve put together some tips on how we can all support local. If we each do our part, we might be able to help some struggling businesses come out the…
Summer Getaway Ideas
No matter what kind of year you’ve had, getting away is always a good idea! Don’t worry if you don’t know where to go. We have some great stay-at-home, and slightly further-away-from-home holiday ideas for you and the family, that won’t cost you an arm or a leg. Whether you prefer to kick back on…
The First Swim of Summer
As the summer months arrive, you’re probably waiting for your first swim of the warm months. Or maybe you aren’t lucky enough to – we can’t all live in Bondi or Brighton! Either way, we’ve compiled a great list of our favourite outdoor pools, aquatic centres and swimming holes that are close enough to the…
Mental Health Month Special Edition
October is Way Ahead’s Mental Health Month. This is a topic we take very seriously at Clicks, therefore we decided to get involved for the benefit of our broader community. Way Ahead are an organisation based in New South Wales who work every day to educate people on mental health and wellbeing, linking them to…
Fun Activities for the School Holidays!
School holidays have arrived and for many, it’s earlier than planned. Whether you have 10 minutes or a few hours, there are plenty of exciting and even educational activities for the kids.
R U Really OK?
R U OK? Day is a celebrated day which reminds us to empower everyone to meaningfully connect with the people around them. This year’s key message is to double check – are they really ok?
How to Be at Home like a Boss
There’s a lot of uncertainty floating around at the moment, so we thought it would be useful to focus on some helpful tips and tricks to make the most out of staying at home! If you’re like me and enjoy the outdoors, adventuring or simply taking in the sights, staying home might seem a little…
Some Light Reading
More and more organisations are implementing strategies to ensure they are providing a happy, healthy place to work for their employees. Despite this emphasis on wellness, many still neglect one of the most important – and easily accessible – tools for vitality: sunlight.
My Dry July Started in 2015… and Is Still Going
Here are my top 10 FAQs for anyone considering giving up drinking for an extended period. And by that I mean three months or more – it takes that long for the full changes to take effect.
5 Things I’ve Learnt About Wellness During the Pandemic
2020 was going to be my year of mental health focus, skill building, and investing time into side hobbies. While the pandemic didn’t stop me completely, it still puts a big spanner in the plans that I had. The most recent snap lockdown in Melbourne admittedly hit me harder than the previous three before. Here’s 5 things it taught me:
Men’s Health Week
For this week’s #WellnessMatters edition we’ve put together some resources and information that are simple and informative while tackling issues on Men’s Health.
Steps to India…Getting Fit for a Good Cause
This month, Clicks staff, along with our candidates, contractors and clients will be participating in a Steps to India campaign. The purpose of this campaign is to raise funds to support the coronavirus pandemic sweeping across India. Clicks Account Manager, Mel Cooper initiated this campaign after seeing the impact this second wave was having on…
Inspiring Wellness Podcasts to Help You to Thrive
Wellness is the practice of healthy habits that allow us to thrive. Wellness covers physical, emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual, and even career health. If your habits need a reboot, check out these podcasts! You’re sure to find some great inspiration to help you thrive. Sleep Sleep With Me is a podcast designed to put you…
Welcome to Wellness Matters for 2021!
It feels like just yesterday when we were on the countdown to the holiday break. Now the New Year has come, and we’re looking forward to what 2021 holds for us. This got me thinking about how many people have made a New Year’s resolution, and how long they will be able to keep them….
A Healthy Kind of Spooky…
Halloween has been slowly growing in Australia, as children and adults alike embrace the idea of free lollies, (or candy to our friends in the USA) and an excuse to whip out the costume box that’s been sitting untouched in the garage for years. Dressing up and spooky decorations are some of the best aspects…