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Clicks IT Recruitment ‘IT Employment Confidence Index’ report for Q2 2022

Since 2015, Clicks’ ‘IT Employment Confidence Index’ report has been measuring the confidence of IT professionals. We survey employees and job seekers each quarter to obtain insights into current sentiments. We ask respondents to reveal how they are feeling about: The conditions of the Australian economy and IT job market. Their job search intentions. Confidence…

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Clicks’ 2022-23 IT Workforce Insights Report

IT Professionals Want Better Work-Life Balance Clicks IT Recruitment has been surveying IT professionals across Australia for over a decade. Our IT Workforce Insights Report taps into the mindset of IT employees and job seekers to support companies develop data-driven recruitment and retention strategies. The theme for last years’ IT Workforce Insights report was show…

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How to Conduct Stay Interviews to Improve your Staff Retention Rates

If you’ve ever wondered what makes your staff happy or why they choose to stay – you don’t need a crystal ball. You just need to ask. After all, if you don’t ask, you don’t get. Conducting stay interviews is a great way to understand what motivates your team members to remain in their roles…

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October 4, 2022

How to Improve the Quality of the Applications You Receive

Making the right hiring decisions is vital to the success of any organisation. You increase your chances of getting it right by starting with a strong pool of candidates. But how do you increase the quality of your job applications you receive? Here are three simple things you can do! 1. Create Compelling Job Ads…

September 19, 2022

How to Write an Effective Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Statement with Examples

Including an equal employment opportunity statement (EEO) in your job ad can help you attract more candidates when hiring. 70% of job seekers value an organisation’s commitment to diversity when considering prospective employers. But if you are going to include an EEO statement, you want to ensure its not a box-ticking exercise. If the message is…

September 5, 2022

To Shake or not to Shake – Are Handshakes Dead?

I was having drinks with a friend when I bumped into an old colleague. Something interesting happened after I made introductions. My friend – a consummate professional – reached out to offer her hand, but instead of shaking it, my former colleague put up both his hands. It looked like he was being held up…

August 9, 2022

Why We Need to Stop Saying ‘Culture Fit’

Culture Fit is a Bad Idea and Could be Discriminating At the risk of being unpopular, in this edition of our ‘Achieving diversity through recruitment’ series, I want to explore using the term culture fit when hiring. Culture fit was a concept introduced in the 1980s to shift the focus beyond skills and experience to personalities and…

July 11, 2022

Critical Steps to Ensure Candidates Accept Your Job Offer – Part 3

You’ll know two critical things about making job offers if you have been following our latest hiring advice series. Firstly, it is essential not to make a formal offer until you know the candidate will accept. The second vital step is to find out what else is happening with your candidates outside of work. If you missed it, make…

July 5, 2022

Critical Steps to Ensure Candidates Accept Your Job Offer – Part 2

We recently talked about the highs and lows of recruitment – finding the perfect candidate for a role, only to have them knock back your job offer. But there are things you can do to increase your chance of securing the best candidates for your jobs. If you missed it, review our top tip in…

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